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Made it back by 3


Head full of mush this morning, but Dayum that was a fun weekend!

Thanks to all who made this such a good time

More to come.....




Don J :wave:

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Made it home around 3:30pm today, Tioga Pass was open and in good shape.

It was great to see you all, can't wait for the next time!



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Home safe n sound at 3:30.

Elba is still cold, but we had a great time!

Thanks MrDuck, for putting the work in to make this so easy for everybody else! :clap:

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Kathy and Phil home around 3:00 with smiles and good memories....Thanks Don for setting everything up and to everyone else who was there and made it the greatest DV Daze yet.......Pics later......

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Easy ride home arriving at 11:30. Good time all around. Thanks Don. :thumbsup:


Is there any truth to the rumor that Todd had to plan his route to avoid taking that LT across bridges with weight restrictions? :lurk:

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Haken and I made it back at sometime around 2:00. Great time and I heard of no sports awards. Aren't we being good? Phil, fastest game we've played yet.The 168 is a great road that I have missed. Thanks to all who enjoyed it with me. We we went to Bristol cone forest. Oldest trees on the planet.

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Great desert ride home with Carl.

And a challenging ride with Todd... to Beatty.

Good to see ALL and meet some new folks.






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In around 3:00. Great to see everyone but someone had it out for me. On the the 91 going west between I-10 and I-15, a jerk decided he wanted the fast lane more than me. As I passed him he decided to move over when I was abreast of him. He forced me to within inches of the concrete barrier before he woke up and sped away. Between the ice man and jerk drivers, I don't know who had it out for me more! For Christmas I know I need at least two new pairs of undies.


Stay tuned for an announcement on Temecula Days!

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Larry Bump and I wanted to take road up from Kernville up and around Sherman Pass. Larry asked the ranger, "any snow?" Ranger said nope. Should have asked "any snow or ice?" Prolly would have gotten a different answer.


My view coming around the corner. Rut roh.




One of those moments when you know you are most definitely going down. The LT is about as graceful on ice as an elephant. Todd fall down and go boom.




My track into the ice.




No real damage. Some scraps on the LT and a bent rear brake lever. The PITA was lifting a 900 lbs bike when it's on ice. I was very fortunate to be riding with Larry this time. 90% of my riding is solo so it was awesome to have someone to help pick up the beast. We got her upright and somehow made it through the rest of the glacier. On the other end, we met a guy coming down the hill saying it was worse on top. Crap. We had to take the beast back through the ice flow. Larry and I and great guy who stopped to helped literally inched our way back down through the ice flow. If those guys had not of been there you would have found me in the spring thaw.

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I ran into the same ice patch on Friday....

My plan was to go over the pass and camp somewhere on the east slope.


I rode thought that first ice (your middle photo) taking that one clear tire track there in the middle, but around the corner there was more of it, solid ice across the whole road.

Had to turn around and ride thought the first patch again :dopeslap:


The bad thing was that I was there pretty late in the day and the sun was already starting to go down. It made a bit rushed ride off the mountain to lower elevations and more comfortable over-night temperatures.


Thanks for sharing the photo!



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Dad and I rode home on Monday. Left at 6 and pulled in to Ben Lomond around 3:45. Not the prettiest or most scenic ride home ever but glad to be back.


Dad was on the road back to Brookings a little before 6 this morning and the forecast was calling for rain so he might be a bit wet by the time he gets home.


thanks again for a very fun time!





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Gar in at 3:00pm. Little damp around the edges. Had a good time and great to see everybody. Thanks Mr. Duck for putting this together and thanks Al for the chili dog tip.

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Did somebody say pics?



Friday's Conga Ride heading up to Whitney Portal



The cascade was freezing up nicely



Saturday during a break on the way to The Bristlecone Forest... Jose's tale of "The One That Got Away".



Bristlecone forest visitors center at 10,000+ feet above sea level. Yes, that is snow...



A good time was had by all!

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Fridays adventures.....





Friday morning meeting of the "ususal suspects" headed to Lone Pine...dodged a couple of CHP encounters on the way thanks to the V-1 and some luck.

Lunch at the Alabama Hills Cafe, a trip through Tuttle Creek (a must see!) and a quick blast up to Whitney Portal and head towards Death Valley.....then, waaaaay out in the middle of nowhere somewhere around Keeler, all kinda radar alerts, nothing around as far as you can see- ???? till some kinda military jet swoops past- signals stop- they're using us for target practice!!! :dopeslap:

Dwight musta told 'em we were around!






So we roll into Beatty, to be greeted by the local Democrats (expecting a handout, of course) :rofl:





Dinner and drinks at the Sourdough Saloon.....you know it's a rough place when the bartender's wearing a gun!


Thanks to all, you've made this weekend another memorable trip.... and until you have experienced 30 of your slightly intoxicated friends serenade you in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday, when it ain't...... (Thanks Steve, I owe ya) :clap:



Don J :wave:

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks to Todd, Phil, Ed, Donx2 and Mikko for sharing pics. Mikko that stream one is AWESOME. Better late than never for me, so here goes:


We took a ride up to Whitney Portal on the way to DV



I took the liberty of editing one of Groanup's shots



The group stopped at Father Crowley Lookout but only Jose, Ann and I rode down. You can see Hwy I90 meandering it's way down the hill in the background.







A group shot on the way to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest



Once there I took some close-ups of the trees







And one of Steve



Inside one of the eateries/bars, across the street from the Exchange Club Motel. Sorry for the quality but it was dark in there and I was standing on a chair and holding the cam above my head and shooting blindly



On the way home I went through Baker to hit Angeles Crest off of the 15, and just past Newcomb's a bike had went down and I waited for 15 min. I tried to find out info about the accident when I arrived home but to no avail. I think he was airlifted out.





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