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Flat tire


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Well it was bound to happen... I had my first flat tire after about 24k miles. I don't recall reading any posts on what "warning" signs one might anticipate, so I thought I would share my experience. I left work Friday evening just after dark. The first 10 miles are interstate with a clover leaf exit. The exit ramp was recently repaved with asphalt (very black), but as I was exiting I had the sensation of catching an edge (the steering felt a little odd). At this point I was on a four lane with a lot of traffic and stop-and-go mostly 20-40 mph. As I approached the next phase of the ride (another interstate) I went to change lanes and this time the steering was very heavy (for lack of a better word). I had to really push to get the bike to lean over for the lane change. I decided to pull of the road to check things out before getting back onto the interstate. And a good thing I did..... the rear tire was flat. But... I almost missed this because I was looking for something on the front of the bike. As I walked around the back, I happened to kick the rear tire, and sure enough it was very close to flat.


One other learning.... winter is approaching, be prepared to get caught in the cold! I had my ATGATT, but didn't have the liner.


I want to put a good word in for AMA Roadside assistance... was picked up within an hour by a very conscientious operator and tow truck. Paid for the membership right there. Ended up finding 3/4's of an exacto blade inside the tire.

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Had the opportunity, if you like to call it that, to follow Sagerider as his rear deflated on a hardpack dirt road at the Salida UnRally. He was slowing bit by bit, when I decided to pass him. As I came up I could see his rear was all over the place. About then he figured it out and stopped. It was interesting, if you want to call it that, to see just how unstable the rear end can get. I'd say he had a 6" oscillation going, with about a 3 second period. Not sure what it felt like to him, but based on my experience with the same, probably about like you describe.

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Yup ... heavy steering; probably a rear tire problem. Seems like the rear tire catches a flat way more often than the front.


This is a good illustration for why you should carry some type of tire plug (rope, muchroom, etc.) and a tire inflator. Also you should practice using that stuff so you're comfortable doing it at the side of the road.


I can't know when you picked up that puncture or how long or fast it was losing air; but this also makes a case for some kind of tire pressure monitor. I have become aware of tire leaks when mounting and when dismounting my bike. In both cases, the tire was only a few PSI low from where it should have been, so it was easy to add a little air and ride home or install the plug first and then reinflate and head home carefully.

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  • 1 month later...

Today I rode past an opened lock back folding knife laying on the rode in an intersection? Ideally I would have gone back and got it off the road. However I rationalized it by thinking that it would have been very unsafe to do so due to heavy traffic. It never fails to amaze what ends up on the road. I have seen mattresses, sheet metal, beams, money, watches, clothes, furniture, tools, nails, bolts, screws, chains, groceries, plywood, sheetrock, gas, oil, antifreeze, tires, wheels, hay bales, and other unusual stuff. Luckily I avoided most of them so far.

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I want to put a good word in for AMA Roadside assistance... was picked up within an hour by a very conscientious operator and tow truck. Paid for the membership right there.


:thumbsup: Agreed!

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