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Ilium Pegs and ZTechnik Engine Guards Together?


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On a 2011 R1200RT (Camhead) does anyone know if you can mount:

Ilium Highway Pegs


together with ZTechnik Engine Guards?



Not sure if they would interfere with each other (require same mounting hole/bolt/location?) & can't tell from the images.


Ahh, the joys of farkling a new-to-me bike! :)

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

I have Ilium pegs now (R12RT) and had ZTechnik on the R11RT. They (97% sure) won't go due to the space along the bottom outboard edge of the head and where the plastic is.


Unless you're asking about just the clamp-on foot "board" peg from Ilium going on the ZTechnik guard. Yes, if you make sure the clamp size is correct and get a peg that doesn't have the pin on the underside. That is exactly what I had on the R11RT.



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Yes they do... I have them on by '12 RT. I mounted the pegs on the guards themselves. Took the highway pegs off their mounting bracket and mounted directly on the guards. (Did have to drill a hole in the guard at the right location for the little fixed dowel to go in...) but they work perfect.

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  • 1 month later...

Question to all: was wondering if there is enough room for your leg, or does the inside of your leg rest against the valve cover?

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

It will touch sometimes, not the rocker cover though. I may touch the back of the plastic just behind it. I was thinking about ordering some more 3m flim that I already have for protection elsewhere to apply to the rub spot since I have kevlar mesh. That stuff is not kind to leather seats.

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Thanks so much for answering. I have some j-pegs for my 2005 R1200RT and I know my issues with them, so don't want to try something else until I'm convinced. Can you hang your ankle over the peg without it collapsing? Bad knee and need to do this sometime.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

The Ilium pegs use a detent ball to fix the position in either stowed or deployed. Until it gets really dirty and causes other problems, you might not be able to hang a leg over it since the detent seems designed to resist the wind folding up. It could depend upon your leg length and such. The rubber pad also rotates so, that may cause another problem, or solve it, with hanging a foot on the top.

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I reached out to the Ztechnik folks just the other day on this very subject (I've got the Z-tech's on order right now). They actually recommended the Illiums. Haven't tried it myself yet, but that's a pretty good recommendation.


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