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I have looked around and don't find any mention of mirrors here. I like my 03 RT mirrors but have been thinking about adding handlebar mirrors for a number of different reasons the first being improved rearview vision.


Does anyone have any advise on if they are available or if they are worth messing with?


Thanks in advance! BT

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R1100GS mirrors fit the handlebar threads on the R1100RT. R1150GS ones on a R1150RT. Mounting is straight forward. It's a welcome addition with a passenger or with extra stuff aboard. The extra mirrors tend to buzz at speed, and you might have to modify the windshield if it's larger or non-stock. I put them on for a few trips, and never took them off.

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An option to consider is a "replacement" lens made by Multivex -- http://www.multivexmirror.com/products7.php?refID=


It attaches to the surface of the existing lens. I got them about a year ago to address the narrow field of vision problem with the RT mirrors and have been incredibly pleased. It took a ride or two to get used to the effect their curvature has on the image. I'd find two different mirrors -- handlebar mount and faring mount -- confusing compared to this improvement. FWIW


Usual disclaimer - no affiliation whatsoever with the company.

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I just use the rectangular wedge style blind spot mirros on my main mirrors. I have then where I would normally see my hands and bar grips so don't loose any real view from the originals.

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These look pretty nifty. Doesn't the field of veiw change when you raise / lower your windshield or do you have them mounted somewhere else?


The FOV does change a bit when you adjust the windsield, but

I don't move the windshield often, and the mirrors are easy to adjust, depending on the tension you can dial into the tensioning mechanism. They also have a very wide FOV.

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I knew this was the place to get a good answer and I sure do like these ideas.


Thanks for the good ideas everybody, now I just have to make up my mind, what there is left of it. grin.gif

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hey bigtim

just a thought have you considered buying a set of retro mirrors to fit on your bar ends they give you a good vision and the vibration factor is relativly low. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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