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dink, dink, dink noise


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Went for a run this weekend on the 04 1150 RT and after a few hours of riding it started making what sounded to a metallic knocking noise, almost like a jack hammer hitting something metal (just not quite that loud). I only heard it in 6th gear and made the noise at all RPM's. I cannot hear it at idle. I did my first valve adjustment around 1k miles ago. I did not use a torque wrench on the adjusters, (could not find one that would work properly, most were way too big). I also have been running 89 octane and has been running fine with it for last 1k also, but will try 91 though I do not think it will make a difference as it does not sound like pinging.

Thanks for the help.


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1: Check to make sure both spark plugs are tight. Jackhammer is the perfect description of the sound a loose plug makes. (Though you should be able to hear this at idle).


2: Check to make sure it is the motor......Pull in the clutch at speed, and see if the noise stops. If you can still hear it, driveshaft/u joints/final drive are possible problems.


Generally, anything in the valve train will be just as loud at idle as it is at speed......And easier to hear with your helmet off. Good luck!



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I hear that same same noise from my back seat ,when I take my wife out and go around corners to fast(dink-dink-dink). :grin:

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Afternoon Dennis


Might be some knocking due to poor quality fuel. Did you put fuel in it prior to the noise appearing?


Otherwise not much info from you to go on as we can’t determine if it is RPM sensitive, or road speed sensitive, or throttle sensitive, or only 6th gear sensitive.


The 6th gear only thing kind of points to spark knock or some type of pre-ignition. Might even be a lower spark plug fouled or an upper stick coil going out causing a poor combustion flame front.


I guess lacking more specific info on the problem I would suggest you run that tank of fuel out then try some premium fuel to see what effect that has.


If no change due to fuel then maybe verify both secondary spark plugs are working then verify both stick coils are operational under load.


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I looked into it tonight and the "dink, dink" noise is coming from the spark plug looking thing that sits on the exhaust tube just behind the right side cylinder just inside of the fairing right before the exhaust pipe turns into the catalytic converter. The bike does not seem to be running rich and I pulled the spark plug and if anything it looked a little white-ish which I think means it is running a little bit lean if anything (purely green horn observation). Would a sensor be bad somewhere?

The oil temp gauge stopped working correctly (reads 2 bars all of the time unless I turn it off, then back on and then reads 5 bars, then I pull away and get 2 bars again... sorry seperate issue, like the gas gauge that stopped working...

Runs fine other wise but that noise is annoying! dink, dink, dink, dink, dink...


This bike is intent on pissing me off. As soon as I get it right something else goes bad and with limited skills and time... I just want to ride the thing.


HELP! before this bike ends up in the Los Angeles river.

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Dink Dink? May the swartz be with youuuuuuuuu! :rofl:




dink, dink ha ha its real funny until people drive next to you and give that look that says " dude, what the hell is wrong with your bike".



liked your sand people OoPEZoO. Whats up with C3p0 with his leg up in the air in the back ground? I did not know droids could get rigamortis.

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Is there any chance that you could record the noise and provide a link to the sound? We'd need to hear it at different RPM speeds too, and clearly.


Linz :)

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Dink Dink? May the swartz be with youuuuuuuuu! :rofl:




dink, dink ha ha its real funny until people drive next to you and give that look that says " dude, what the hell is wrong with your bike".



liked your sand people OoPEZoO. Whats up with C3p0 with his leg up in the air in the back ground? I did not know droids could get rigamortis.


Oh boy.......thats not C3PO. It's DOTT, Barf, Lonestar, and Princess Vespa from Spaceballs. Please tell me you've seen Spaceballs?


As far as you're bike goes. The "spark Plug" you are refering to is the oxygen sensor, not a spark plug. Looking at the tip will tell you nothing. If you are getting a noise from that area......the first think I would check would be the coupling between the header and exahust. Also, make sure to check out the front of the catylitic converter really well. There have been some instances in the past where they have cracked right where the header pipe attaches.


You said you just get the noise in 6th? So you can't recreate it when the bike is sitting still?


As for you're oil temp and fuel gauge.....pull the dash and check the connection for the RID (Rider Information Display). There is only one connecter, so it would make sense to me if it was loose, or corroded, because that would mess with both of the gauges. Is the clock working correctly?

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Morning dJames


Unfortunately engine noises are very difficult to diagnose over the Internet. They are difficult enough when leaning over the bike.


As Keith said you very well might have an exhaust leak or crack in the catalytic converter. To find this do a visual on the exhaust system and catalytic converter. Look for cracks and signs of carbon tracking.


You might try finding a cheap mechanics stethoscope then remove the stinger and diaphragm and use an open hose to sniff around the exhaust system with a running engine.


You can also try using a rag and plugging the open end of the muffler with the engine running to see if you can see or hear anything from the exhaust system.


Even something like a misfiring spark plug or a bad stick coil can cause a post firing in the exhaust system and sound like it is coming from the 02 sensor area so don’t rule that out.


That 02 sensor is real close to the engine sump so don’t rule out other engine related noises just because we tell you it SOUNDS like an exhaust related noise.


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Went for a run this weekend on the 04 1150 RT and after a few hours of riding it started making what sounded to a metallic knocking noise, almost like a jack hammer hitting something metal (just not quite that loud). I only heard it in 6th gear and made the noise at all RPM's. I cannot hear it at idle. I did my first valve adjustment around 1k miles ago. I did not use a torque wrench on the adjusters, (could not find one that would work properly, most were way too big). I also have been running 89 octane and has been running fine with it for last 1k also, but will try 91 though I do not think it will make a difference as it does not sound like pinging.

Thanks for the help.





A label on my filler says use 91 Octane. Secondly the sound you hear is probably what we in the UK call "pinking". It actually is a symptom of fuel pre-ignition caused by either too far advanced ignition setting or significant carbon deposit on the piston head. What makes you believe that the cause is not pinking?



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Dink Dink? May the swartz be with youuuuuuuuu! :rofl:




dink, dink ha ha its real funny until people drive next to you and give that look that says " dude, what the hell is wrong with your bike".


Oh Space Balls. that's where I have seen that before. When I started the bike it did make that noise at idle, I must not have heard it other than on the freeway. It is tough with a helmet and ear plugs. I will check for any leaks when I get home around the areas you mentioned. It seems of there was an exhaust leak it might make a different noise rather than a metallic knocking noise... who knows.

Thanks for the help.



liked your sand people OoPEZoO. Whats up with C3p0 with his leg up in the air in the back ground? I did not know droids could get rigamortis.


Oh boy.......thats not C3PO. It's DOTT, Barf, Lonestar, and Princess Vespa from Spaceballs. Please tell me you've seen Spaceballs?


As far as you're bike goes. The "spark Plug" you are refering to is the oxygen sensor, not a spark plug. Looking at the tip will tell you nothing. If you are getting a noise from that area......the first think I would check would be the coupling between the header and exahust. Also, make sure to check out the front of the catylitic converter really well. There have been some instances in the past where they have cracked right where the header pipe attaches.


You said you just get the noise in 6th? So you can't recreate it when the bike is sitting still?


As for you're oil temp and fuel gauge.....pull the dash and check the connection for the RID (Rider Information Display). There is only one connecter, so it would make sense to me if it was loose, or corroded, because that would mess with both of the gauges. Is the clock working correctly?

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Ok I will check the for leaks around the catalytic converter and look for carbon tracking along the length of the pipe. I had the main and stick coils replaced less than 6 months ago, so I assume they are in working order. Could a bad O2 sensor make this noise?

Thanks for the help as usual.


Morning dJames


Unfortunately engine noises are very difficult to diagnose over the Internet. They are difficult enough when leaning over the bike.


As Keith said you very well might have an exhaust leak or crack in the catalytic converter. To find this do a visual on the exhaust system and catalytic converter. Look for cracks and signs of carbon tracking.


You might try finding a cheap mechanics stethoscope then remove the stinger and diaphragm and use an open hose to sniff around the exhaust system with a running engine.


You can also try using a rag and plugging the open end of the muffler with the engine running to see if you can see or hear anything from the exhaust system.


Even something like a misfiring spark plug or a bad stick coil can cause a post firing in the exhaust system and sound like it is coming from the 02 sensor area so don’t rule that out.


That 02 sensor is real close to the engine sump so don’t rule out other engine related noises just because we tell you it SOUNDS like an exhaust related noise.

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I will try the higher octane. Gas is getting expensive in the U.S. and I was sort of experimenting to see if it would run Ok for the last few tank on 89. Hopefully you are right. The reason I dismissed this idea (pinking) was that I put my ear to both cylinders and it seemed the noise was not coming from them but a little further back, in the area of the O2 sensor, but again I am no mechanic.

I did my first valve adjustment a month ago and noticed that the top of the cylinders where grimy black. I do not know if this is normal or how to make them not so. I usually use Chevron gasoline so I do not think that it is due to poor gas quality, but it was a patrol bike previously so who knows.

Thanks for the reply and help.

Went for a run this weekend on the 04 1150 RT and after a few hours of riding it started making what sounded to a metallic knocking noise, almost like a jack hammer hitting something metal (just not quite that loud). I only heard it in 6th gear and made the noise at all RPM's. I cannot hear it at idle. I did my first valve adjustment around 1k miles ago. I did not use a torque wrench on the adjusters, (could not find one that would work properly, most were way too big). I also have been running 89 octane and has been running fine with it for last 1k also, but will try 91 though I do not think it will make a difference as it does not sound like pinging.

Thanks for the help.





A label on my filler says use 91 Octane. Secondly the sound you hear is probably what we in the UK call "pinking". It actually is a symptom of fuel pre-ignition caused by either too far advanced ignition setting or significant carbon deposit on the piston head. What makes you believe that the cause is not pinking?



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I will try the higher octane. Gas is getting expensive in the U.S. and I was sort of experimenting to see if it would run Ok for the last few tank on 89. Hopefully you are right. The reason I dismissed this idea (pinking) was that I put my ear to both cylinders and it seemed the noise was not coming from them but a little further back, in the area of the O2 sensor, but again I am no mechanic.

I did my first valve adjustment a month ago and noticed that the top of the cylinders where grimy black. I do not know if this is normal or how to make them not so. I usually use Chevron gasoline so I do not think that it is due to poor gas quality, but it was a patrol bike previously so who knows.

Thanks for the reply and help.

Went for a run this weekend on the 04 1150 RT and after a few hours of riding it started making what sounded to a metallic knocking noise, almost like a jack hammer hitting something metal (just not quite that loud). I only heard it in 6th gear and made the noise at all RPM's. I cannot hear it at idle. I did my first valve adjustment around 1k miles ago. I did not use a torque wrench on the adjusters, (could not find one that would work properly, most were way too big). I also have been running 89 octane and has been running fine with it for last 1k also, but will try 91 though I do not think it will make a difference as it does not sound like pinging.

Thanks for the help.





A label on my filler says use 91 Octane. Secondly the sound you hear is probably what we in the UK call "pinking". It actually is a symptom of fuel pre-ignition caused by either too far advanced ignition setting or significant carbon deposit on the piston head. What makes you believe that the cause is not pinking?






You said "Gas is getting expensive in the U.S."


I currently pay $10.54 for one U.K. gallon. This is 20% more in volume. Adjusting for this, I'm paying $8.75 for a US Gallon.


How much are you paying?



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Around $4.35 a gallon for premium in California. I guess I have nothing to complain about seeing what you pay in the U.K. Ouch!

I will try the higher octane. Gas is getting expensive in the U.S. and I was sort of experimenting to see if it would run Ok for the last few tank on 89. Hopefully you are right. The reason I dismissed this idea (pinking) was that I put my ear to both cylinders and it seemed the noise was not coming from them but a little further back, in the area of the O2 sensor, but again I am no mechanic.

I did my first valve adjustment a month ago and noticed that the top of the cylinders where grimy black. I do not know if this is normal or how to make them not so. I usually use Chevron gasoline so I do not think that it is due to poor gas quality, but it was a patrol bike previously so who knows.

Thanks for the reply and help.

Went for a run this weekend on the 04 1150 RT and after a few hours of riding it started making what sounded to a metallic knocking noise, almost like a jack hammer hitting something metal (just not quite that loud). I only heard it in 6th gear and made the noise at all RPM's. I cannot hear it at idle. I did my first valve adjustment around 1k miles ago. I did not use a torque wrench on the adjusters, (could not find one that would work properly, most were way too big). I also have been running 89 octane and has been running fine with it for last 1k also, but will try 91 though I do not think it will make a difference as it does not sound like pinging.

Thanks for the help.





A label on my filler says use 91 Octane. Secondly the sound you hear is probably what we in the UK call "pinking". It actually is a symptom of fuel pre-ignition caused by either too far advanced ignition setting or significant carbon deposit on the piston head. What makes you believe that the cause is not pinking?






You said "Gas is getting expensive in the U.S."


I currently pay $10.54 for one U.K. gallon. This is 20% more in volume. Adjusting for this, I'm paying $8.75 for a US Gallon.


How much are you paying?



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Check to see if it is coming from one of your throttle bodies, they do go bad. The throttle plate axles are bronze and wear out. Go to Bings website and see the examples. BeemerMan

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Matt, Kazoo

I realize I'm applying automotive to motorcycle but an O2 sensor is an O2 sensor. Recently I had the same noise on my 00 Tundra. One of the sources of the noise was a cracked exhaust manifold. The other source was a corroded/blown out O2 sensor gasket. The sensor was good but the seal with the exhaust pipe was shot. All fixed now- all quiet.


I'd take a real close look at your exhaust system.

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I realize I'm applying automotive to motorcycle but an O2 sensor is an O2 sensor. Recently I had the same noise on my 00 Tundra. One of the sources of the noise was a cracked exhaust manifold. The other source was a corroded/blown out O2 sensor gasket. The sensor was good but the seal with the exhaust pipe was shot. All fixed now- all quiet.


I'd take a real close look at your exhaust system.

I spent last night taking the tupperware off of the bike trying to diagnose a faulty fuel gauge and oil temp bars that do not work right on my RID, which is strange since the gear indicator and clock works fine... but the oil bars bounce all over the place, seems like a bad connection somewhere if I can track it down...

I will look into the exhaust leak this weekend to see if that is what is making the noise, but from what you say, it sounds like a likely culprit.

Thank you (and everyone) for the help.

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