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Motorcycle Toureres Forum sponsoring Saddlesore 1000 rides


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The MTF is continuing its long-standing relationship with the Iron Butt Association by sponsoring a series of Saddle Sore 1000 rides across the country. The MTF handles the paperwork, and the rider only has to collect the required gas receipts and do the ride. Riders who successfully complete 1,000 miles in 24 hours or less are awarded a certificate commemorating the ride and membership in the IBA, an SS1000 pin, an MTF-IBA pin, and an IBA license plate backer. Information can be found on the MTF site, with an extensive list of FAQ's and pictures of the awards:




I am the host for one of the Florida rides, June 4th in Jacksonville. The other Florida date is September 10th (Fort Lauderdale and Tampa).


More information on the Jacksonville ride can be found here...look for the “Registration” tab in the menu on the right-hand side of the page:



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Thanks for posting - I'm looking forward to seeing more information for the Portland ride in September.

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