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Great Book


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I just received the book, "The Upper Half of the Motorcycle" and think it is great. Very good explanations and examples of how to improve riding. TIP: I got it from Aerostich. The same book on Amazon was almost twice the price.

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Sorry for the extremely short write up before, I was in a hurry - can you tell?


This book is great. Very nice write ups and tips for riding. The book starts by saying something along the line of, the most un natural thing we can do is ride a motorcycle yet many people believe they can just get on one and go. It goes on to talk about how the road is a system and we (the combination of motorcycle and human) are a subsystem. By thinking about the road as a system rather than everyone is out to get you, it puts the highway into perspective. It is something of the "Riders Bible" in Germany and it was recently translated into English from my understanding. If you go to Amazon you can read some of the pages.

One tip he gives is (paraphrased) sometimes push steering is not enough. Move your low side knee forward about 1/2 to 1 inch and it will make the corner easy, the bike erect, and the path held. He goes on to say that this is not a prep for "off seating."


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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the book interesting but difficult to plow through. Riding tips are available from many books much easier to consume and to then review certain parts later at leisure. I never wanted to go back and reread my College Algebra textbook after finishing it, if you get my drift. Completing this book became a chore. I have no doubt whatsoever author Spiegel is a German behavioral psychologist first and a rider coach second. Not a book for the the short story set. Go to Parts Four and Five straight away and it may worth the price.

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