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home maintenance

smooth cruise

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smooth cruise


I'm new to this forum and new to the Rt1200 I've had it a week and put 1000 miles on it. I had the first service done.

I would like to do my own maintenance at some point once I get over the intimidation factor.

But it seems like alot has to be done at the dealer I looked at at maintenance schedule for the 6k service things like:

Function test, engine start suppression

Checking synchronisation


I havn't got a clue what that means

Where could I get an education on how to maintain my own bike?

I have 2011 rt thanks for any help or suggestions


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Watch the Ride and Event Planning forum for a TechDaze near you. If you don't see one, consider scheduling one. You don't say where you are, but there are a couple being planned right now. Typically at least two-three in all the major geographic regions of the US each year.


Also consider the Jim VonBaden DVDs. http://www.jimvonbaden.com/


I don't know if he has covered the Camheads yet.



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If you fill out your data and tell us where you are located at would help.

And 5 miles SSE of KAJO means what actually.


engine start suppression

I read that to mean see if the engine starts with the kill switch moved left or right, or when the tranny in gear.

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Myself and Bill246 are doing our 12K's at my place this saturday. Another fellow "ryan " will be in attendance as well. We are all going to learn from each other. I have the videos and they are great. Otherwise the bike is very accessable (sp?) except for the air filter which is under the gas tank. That looks a little tougher only because we have to remove so much plastic. Otherwise easy.



And welcome. your going to love the bike

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And 5 miles SSE of KAJO means what actually.


That is easy!!


It means the 2 storey home at the end of the street in Corona, CA.


Ding Ding Ding...We have a winner.



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Given the lack of BMW experience you have, as long as the bike is under warranty, I would take it to your BMW dealer. BMW doesn't need much to deny a warranty claim.

Oil changes, maybe, but anything else and I would say take it to a dealer.

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Jerry , I disagree.


Doing basic maintenance is a learned skill.

All motorcycle owners should have basic knowledge how to get to and replace regular wear items.

There is plenty help or should I say self help available in forms of books and DVDs specific for each brand of MCs.

Even if a person is wealthy enough not care about wasting $$ and giving it to ( or supporting) the local dealer for something they could have done them selves, the knowledge should be a a"must know" of knowing how to take care of a roadside problem.

Example: changing out a broken belt, (carrying an extra belt), plug a leaking tubeless tire and so on.


All RT owners should know how to remove topperware, and even getting to the air filter, or changing out spark plugs.

If you have a cordless drill and some torqes-bits and you have done it in the past, it is no more than a minute or two to remove all plastics.


Basic set of tools is a must including a torque wrench.


This is no different than a car driver not knowing how to change their own tire during a flat of in an emergency.

It should be a mandatory skill before drivers license is issued.


Tech days or a friend helping would be a good start to get going with it (if you have not done it before), after that it becomes a routine.

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If it were the old 1200 with the little bolt and nut adjusters, definitely a DIY. New type with shims and fish buckets, probably dealer. If you do the oil and filter, the check ups are not too 'spensive

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