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Ya know...ya can't trust anybody. Not even the SS!!!


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Makes one wonder how the world would be different, if he had squeezed off a couple of rounds. Can you imagine the conspiracy theories we would have today if we had lost two presidents in such rapid succession?

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The nuts of the theory is that Oswald missed. The SS guys we on the back bumpers of the cars and when the first shot was heard and the second hit Connolly it also wounded JFK. The limos accelerated and the President's detail scrambled to get in the car and take defensive positions. It was then that an agent pulling his AR-15 slipped and squeezed the round that actually killed JFK.


It's been a long time, but that's the essentials of it as I recall.

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Well, there was a guy who wrote a book claiming that when Oswald started shooting, an SS agent grabbed an AR-15, the limo jerked, and the agent accidentally shot JFK. But that's a crazy theory that is completely false.


It was a good book, I enjoyed the read. That guy really knows his ballistics data


i read that one too. i find it the most acceptable explanation of the bullets fired at the president and what contributed to his death .



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Old SS agent with CRS needs money and will publish anything to get a couple bucks and get the frothers up their teeth in foam going ga-ga over the implications.

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Well, there was a guy who wrote a book claiming that when Oswald started shooting, an SS agent grabbed an AR-15, the limo jerked, and the agent accidentally shot JFK. But that's a crazy theory that is completely false.


It was a good book, I enjoyed the read. That guy really knows his ballistics data



...mAGIC bULLET ???...


Not so much.


Gov. Connolly was hit more or less cleanly and the SS agent supposedly did the deed.


I think the Pastafarians did it

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still can't believe so many people still think jfk asasination was a conspiracy...read gerald posners book on the asasination " case closed " he tackles the conspiracy

theory asertations one by one...and destroys the myths...read this book unless you are of the mindset, that my minds made up and don't confuse me with facts

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Conspiracy !!


the conspiracy is the coverup to protect the SS, by not coming clean the die has been cast,



you could now tell the truth and no one would believe you

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