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Can anyone help with UPS question?


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Today has really been a bummer. I got my new RT about 2 weeks ago and ordered the cylinder protectors from machineartmoto.com. They were a total of $177 including shipping UPS. UPS said they would arrive today. I left home and returned around 2:00 PM and the parts were not here. Waited on the UPS truck, then finally checked the tracking number again. It says the package was delivered at 11:24 am and left on my front porch. No package. Never had this happen before. Called UPS, told I had to contact shipper. Called machineartmoto who said they will initiate trace. We live in a quiet subdivision and never had anything taken from my porch and I doubt that happened this time. UPS leaves packages on my front porch without problem. My neighbor has a snap-on business and gets 3-4 Pkgs via UPS weekly. The truck never comes at 11:24 am, they are always after 2:00 PM and I have been home since then. I did not take out any additional shipping insurance. Guess I just paid for cylinder protectors that I will never see......Never again....I guess my question is, what will UPS do? I think they routinely carry $100 insurance, but UPS did not give me much information. If UPS claims their driver left the package on my front porch, will they do anything at all? This sucks.....

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I have checked with the neighbor that gets packages regularly, and he did not get it. Haven't heard from any others, but I will check...

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Afternoon John


Just have them traced by the shipper.


I had a similar occurrence happen a couple of years ago and after tracing the package it was delivered to a different address. Apparently the shipper fat fingered the address entry when shipping and sent my package to the wrong address.


Any other similar street names in your area, especially in the area that the UPS truck is usually in at delivery time?


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I had a similar thing happen with a sissy bar bag. The driver marked the package as delivered. However, the package was damaged and they took it back to their USP station because they won't deliver a damaged package. So even though it said delivered due to the drivers brain-fart, the distribution center actually had the package.


After I found this out I had to have the seller contact UPS and have them deliver the package even though the box was damaged. The contents were fine.

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I hope its something like these examples. There is another street in our town by the same name, but its a "Lane" and not a "Court". Its hard to believe that between UPS delivery time of 11:24 am and me returning home at 2:30 PM, that someone would be brazen enough to walk up on my front porch to steal a package. They would almost have to be following the UPS truck to do this. I have contacted the shipper and he has started the tracing. Hope it shows up somewhere....

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Have you ever given authorization for UPS to leave parcels on your front step? I know that Fedex will only leave parcels on the front step if you give them authorization to do so.

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That happened to me once. My package was delivered to a porch on Park Ave - while I live on Park Drive. Luckily the people were honest and looked me up in the phone book and called to tell me they had my package. I drove across town and picked it up and gave them a heartfelt Thank You. I never knew there were two Park Streets in my town before then.

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I am guilty as to getting packages delivered by UPS with them leaving them on my porch, however, I don't think I ever notified them to do it this way, but willingly allowed it in the past. After this, I will do my best to require a signature on any future deliveries. If i miss delivery, I just have to drive about 12 miles to UPS distribution center...

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After tracking, and you still don't have the stuff:


I'd venture to say, if you DIDN"T give authorization for delivery without a signature, and the parcel was delivered by UPS, I'd contact the shipper and ask for a replacement. They should be shipping via authorized sig for delivery. I'd say the shipper is at fault.


Unless of course you opted for some special kind of delivery that doesn't require sig.



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I've had several things that went astray. One, with the correct address on it was sent to house in the next town that my son had rented while in college. Another, again with the correct name and address, was a training course from Xerox that ended up on the other side of the county at a Xerox parts depot. You'd think they would have divided up the shipments by zipcode first or just plugged the address into mapquest or their truck's gps.


I've also had packages delivered to my front door, my back porch, my firewood shelter, and my basement door. Oh, and also had the little stickers left on my door for me to come down to their terminal and get them myself.





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Almost certainly left at the wrong address given the times you have mentioned, it happens from time to time even here in tiny Torrey.

We have a new UPS driver (Russ retired after 37 years of delivering in The County) and he often asks me where people live, it's amazing how the addresses get mixed up when you have River Road (sometimes called River Drive but officially 520W though nobody uses that), River Lane and River View Road (also known as Old Dump Road)

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Hey, I live on River Road it's in Calif. Also called State Hwy 160 and sometimes Victory Highway. Causes all kind of confusion. Timely post. A UPS truck drove down our driveway yesterday. The guy hands me two big boxes and starts to drive away. I notice that the address is our neighbors. I shout at him wrong address and he asks me to deliver it to neighbors. Didn't want to get back off his truck, I guess.

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This happens to me all the time.


My neighbor gets my stuff. She is nice, and I guess she does not need motorcycle tires, misc farckles and other stuff.


I give her fresh cantaloupes and watermelon in season.


I have talked to the UPS rep at work. He knows the driver. Soon he will do it often enough he will be looking.

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Well, if your address isn't well marked at the street and you are some kind rural location you may have problems with delivery.

Everybody uses the address as designated by the Post Office. UPS and Fed Ex often leave stuff with the PO and has them deliver it. Because they are too freaking lazy or cheap to root out where an address is.

The PO guys are happy to do their routes and know them well if they work a regular route. In some cases they are bounced around so much they don't get a chance to.

Your 'OTHER' delivery drivers may not see your street or dusty lane but once a month, they're supposed to know where your unmarked hovel is? You can request which service does your delivery, PO, Brown or Fed up. Choose the one you feel may be best at delivery when you order.

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Everybody uses the address as designated by the Post Office. UPS and Fed Ex often leave stuff with the PO and has them deliver it. Because they are too freaking lazy or cheap to root out where an address is.

The PO guys are happy to do their routes and know them well if they work a regular route. In some cases they are bounced around so much they don't get a chance to.

Your 'OTHER' delivery drivers may not see your street or dusty lane but once a month, they're supposed to know where your unmarked hovel is? You can request which service does your delivery, PO, Brown or Fed up. Choose the one you feel may be best at delivery when you order.

The PO WILL NOT deliver general UPS packages left at the post office, however they have programs with both where UPS/FedEx deliver to the PO and the PO does street delivery. This is a major loss maker for the PO which instituted the program without realising that UPS would use it this way, doh!


In areas such as where I live there is no designated PO address*, they don't deliver, have to go to the PO for USPS. Many places will not ship to a PO Box so we have to use UPS/FedEx to our street address.


*my street was named by the neighbour that built it, only recently after a GPS survey did it get a numerical value.

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Sounds like my friends Dads' place in England. He was the first on the block and named his house instead of a number.


I guess your postal anonymity isn't necessarily a blessing. What about General delivery at the Post office address. You have to go to town for your mail anyhoo. Rural living may not be all that's it's cracked up to be if you want something delivered. What about Pizza, man? Can't you get that delivered?

I really do like Torrey though. About as nice a hamlet as one would desire.

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**UPDATE** Well, this is interesting. My neighbor called just to get an update about my lost package. This was about 5:30 PM today. While I was explaining that I still did not know where my package was, I looked out on my front porch, and there was the package!! It had to have been delivered sometimes between 4:00 and 5:30 today (10-21-10). No explanation was attached. I called UPS and they had no idea what had happened, other than the driver could have delivered it to the wrong location, or perhaps scanned it as being delivered, and then for some reason not take it off the truck. Oh well, from this point on, FULLY INSURED AND SIGNATURE REQUIRED!! Lesson learned, happy ending. Now I can begin some farkleing!!

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I had this happen yesterday with UPS. Only "apartment address is wrong, can not find addy". It came today.


Fedex did it twice, we contacted everyone but the FBI, (left on porch by the way on the tracking) shipper talked to supervisor, fedex asked for directions, shipper refused, said it was their job to locate addy.


I got both packages finally. I live out in the country and I think the driver has to put something in the computer when he decides to go home instead of make the trip.

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Rural living may not be all that's it's cracked up to be if you want something delivered. What about Pizza, man? Can't you get that delivered?
The UPS drivers here don't seem to have any problem making deliveries once they get acclimated, the fill-ins for vacations etc just ask around, in a small town you don't have to ask many people to find someone.

We can't get pizza delivered, not because of the address, there just isn't anyone that delivers. After this weekend only one restaurant will be open within 7 miles anyway (The Patio)

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Typically have two boxes a month left on the front porch; only ever had one disappear -- was a box of buffalo jerky from my family. They admitted it smelled pretty strong when shipped, so wasn't airtight. After scouring the yard I finally started finding pieces of carboard in the woods; guessing a dog just followed his nose to the source of the heavenly odor and couldn't believe his luck!

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UPS is reliable for me. The driver knows us, and probably everyone else around here.


I have had FEDEX deliveries show up all over the place......Out back on the BBQ, by my bedroom door, outside the front gate. But in the winter, I have learned to investigate any disturbance in the snow at the far end of my 300' driveway.......Some of the FEDEX drivers will just chuck boxes out into the snow......On the same day that UPS delivers to the door. This can be in 3' of snow, so only the hole is visible. I am vigilant, so I have yet to find anything with the spring thaw.


DHL was by far the worst. I had perishable stuff, on dry ice, shipped overnight......Only to be notified by the post office a week later that it was waiting there for my pick-up. Complaints to DHL got the response that they considered it delivered when it arrived in the nearest large city. Not their problem if it took a week for the local yokels to not be able to locate my house. I am really, really happy that they went out of business.

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Glad to hear that the item was recovered/delivered...


Now we turn to UPS RANT MODE set to ON!


We recently sold a piece of art and had it delivered, as normal, to the buyer via UPS... professionally packed, fully insured. Of course UPS destroyed it. Exterior of the box suggested it had been crushed- probably on the truck.


Then began the ordeal of the claims process. I will not reveal all the details unless someone cares, but I can say that UPS at the receiver's end was rude and inconsiderate. They always claim a damaged item was improperly prepared for shipment... unfortunately for them the photos showed otherwise and my UPS store dealer backed me up 100 percent.


After a very long delay from UPS they finally settled the insurance claim.


You cannot speak with the decision making person in a claim. You cannot speed up the process. You cannot speak to any member of management at UPS. You cannot get past the operator at UPS headquarters. They are not customer oriented and they have a near monopoly and they like it that way. Pay your money and keep your mouth shut.


I urge any shippers out there to avoid them if there are alternatives, to use professional packers with photographs if the item is fragile, document everything, and insure to full retail value every time.


Then refuse their first offer... they seem to have a policy of making a low-ball offer the first time.


Buyer beware.






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After this weekend only one restaurant will be open within 7 miles anyway


Don'tcha just hate winter on top of a mountain? I hope the UPS and Fed-up boys will eat lunch there as they pass through town on their routes to keep the place open.


Oh, and the rant on UPS, same with the PO and they want to keep the broken item. Send your Lalique and it gets damaged? you give it to them and they pay the insurance, no keeping the merchandise even if it was a family heirloom.

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Wow my UPS guy is gold. He always tucks the package in between the screen and door. Raps on the door and says delivery and leaves a couple of cookies for the dogs. Then peeps his horn as he drives away.

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