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Open enrollment has ended for the SBBQS


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I met up with Kyle B & RayClar at Jonson’s in Groton Ma where the subject of powder coating wheels came up. All proud, I showed Ray the nice job a local company did on my wheels. :)



He pointed out how a saddle sore 1000 worked the same magic on his. ;)



We rolled into the parking lot at Curtis’ at 11:30 to find Eric already there. Rev Ray & Tom K soon followed as did vthoppy.






L to R we have Ray, Eric, Pat, Kyle, Curtis, Tom, Bob & Ray.




After some Q,





we flipped a coin to see if it would be Mt Equinox or Greylock, Equinox it was. It was a nice ride over to Equinox but as we approached you could see snow on the mountain. Fine, thinking we could get some cool bike & snow pics but the gate was closed & locked. Believe me when I say, we checked the locked part. :/



After conceding to the mountain we made our way back to NH via some very nice roads one being Rt 121 in VT. It had a nice dirt section that was entertaining.


Eric had invited us back to his place to spend the night, he was great host & it was much appreciated.



Your gonna like the Mamajuana

Just to clear up any misconceptions, Ray did spell it right & it is legal in 44 states. :grin:



Sunday was a Dog Day Afternoon!



Had a lot of fun! :thumbsup:





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I wish you all were just a few hours closer! It looks like a great time was had by all. The food...YUM looking! Thanks for sharing.

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Question: What could be better than BBQ and a ride through the colorful hills of Vermont and New Hampshire in October?


Answer: Enjoying it with a half dozen BMWST board members! :thumbsup:


Had a great time. Thanks to all who participated. Special thanks to Pat for leading the ride!


Here are a few of my pictures:


On my way to Putney Mt. Monadnock had a dusting of snow on the upper slope as the low hanging clouds covered the summit.



The roads were damp and it was breezy but the sky was clearing.



The covered bridge over the Ashuelot River







The Connecticut River was swollen from the storm. VT on the right, NH on the left.



Curtis cooking up the ribs and chicken



And then the sun came out for a group ride.



At the end of the day, more food, some adult beverages, a couple of games of pool and, of course, story telling. Great fun. Looking forward to next year!


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SO sorry we missed it. Perhaps Santa will leave us some heated gear in our stockings this Christmas so that we will be prepared to enroll in the SBBQS next year :grin:.


Great pictures Eric and Pat! Thanks for sharing.

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Wish I could have gone. I had an appointment with the family in Salem, MA.




This witch is a real person. The folks in Salem take Halloween very seriously.



Thanks for sharing !!

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A real nice time.

Those burgers sure look good but I would have hardly had any room left after all that Q.

Give the distance award to Kyle but there is something about coming all the way from SW Va for New England Q. Sort of a reverse "coals to Newcastle." :grin:

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