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Well being a retail sales executive is rather strange to show up every day (while commuting) at the shop i work wearing my BMW boots!!! So i reckon that these gadgets would protect my toes from getting wet as these are the only parts of my shoes that get wet when driving around traffic jams with a max speed of 40Km/h....

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Well being a retail sales executive is rather strange to show up every day (while commuting) at the shop i work wearing my BMW boots!!! So i reckon that these gadgets would protect my toes from getting wet as these are the only parts of my shoes that get wet when driving around traffic jams with a max speed of 40Km/h....


Why not just carry your shoes and change at the job? Much safer and more comfortable riding with boots.

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I made a set similar to that using 1/8" Lexan and a heat gun. Clamped them on with window sash locks. Mine served to block cold air as much as for water, since I ride all winter. They make a noticeable difference on the toes when it's 15* on the 33-mile ride to work.

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Can't you keep a couple pairs of shoes in a dark plastic tub at your desk?

Wear boots for weather and riding protection, change at work.

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Thank ya all . Well the truth lies somewhere in between.I'll keep an extra pair at work and buy these two from Wunderlich as LExan is out of reach here in the sticks (i.e. Greece)

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