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Mmmmm Donuts (Mmmmm Bacon)


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Good Lord! What a close call.


The place that makes that concoction is only a few miles from where I used to live down there and it is right on Shacks Beach, where I snorkeled a couple times a week for several years.


In those days I'd have been all over one of those when I came out of the water...



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That's the newest food fad at the State Fair this year in Raleigh. Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger. Bet it looks good on the ground at the roller coaster exit.





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Same place also has country fried gyros: gyros meat breaded & fried with creamy dipping sauce. That's just so wrong.


At least the cucumber dipping sauce is healthy, right?


Jag mår illa


Jag känna sig dålig


Mmmmmm. Det smakar nog bättre än lutfisk, eller hur?

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That's the newest food fad at the State Fair this year in Raleigh. Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger. Bet it looks good on the ground at the roller coaster exit.



Stick. It needs a stick. All state fair food is better on a stick. As in "Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheeseburger On A Stick" or "Country Fried Bacon/Gyros/Lutfisk/Whatever On A Stick." Mmmmmm.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Same place also has country fried gyros: gyros meat breaded & fried with creamy dipping sauce. That's just so wrong.


At least the cucumber dipping sauce is healthy, right?


Actually yes, but that's like saying the ketchup on your supersized order of french fries is healthy. :P

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Glöm inte johan's frestelse och köttbullar!! :clap:


Jul kommer, det är min födelsedag också.

My parents were born in Sweden so here's my best translation;


"Don't forget the potato and anchovy dish and meatballs

Christmas is coming, that's also my birthday"


My mom made this stuff, this is good eating!!!



For you English speaking members, let's all learn how to pronounce "kött" which means meat. Hint: four letter word starts with "Sh".

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Sorry for the sudden outbreak of the funny language. My Norwegian grandmother thinks it's funny that I speak Swedish. When they came to this country the family had to learn English, thus my mom missed out on the language of her heritage. I met a Swede while at college and she took it upon herself to teach me.

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Stick. It needs a stick. All state fair food is better on a stick. As in "Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheeseburger On A Stick" or "Country Fried Bacon/Gyros/Lutfisk/Whatever On A Stick." Mmmmmm.
I think you're onto something there, Ron. This could be a real moneymaker for BMWST.


We just need one of those food trucks and some clever marketing...


Anybody know how to photoshop food onto a stick?


Maybe a smooth spokesperson - suggestions?

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