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Gear Question

Don M

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Anyone had experience with Xelement riding gear or Leatherup.com? They've got an armored leather jacket that sounds and looks really good but the price seems to good to be true.

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I recently purchased this jacket for winter use and am very pleased with it. The armor isn't very thick, but does seem sturdy enough. The leather is quite supple. The limited venting actually works well in moderate temps, but it would be horrible in summer.


Contrary to the on-site comments, I ordered my regular size and it fits perfectly . Overall, given this example and price point, I'd consider buying other products from them.

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I've made a few purchases through leatherup.com, and have been happy with them. Haven't had to return anything yet, so can't attest to that scenario. The description usually matches the product, and the reviews are helpful.


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Anyone had experience with Xelement riding gear or Leatherup.com? They've got an armored leather jacket that sounds and looks really good but the price seems to good to be true.


I'm old school and I wear leathers except in hot weather.


Good leathers are expensive. (Vanson or better yet Langlitz)


Cheap leathers will disintgrate in a get-off or come apart at the seams. They are likely to be stitched together by some kid handcuffed to a sewing machine in a Pakistani slum. I would rather wear quality textile than subpar leathers.

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