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2005 R1200RT Stalling


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On Sunday my bike stalled out while riding down the road at about 35mph, I put it into neutral while rolling and started it back up without a problem but as soon as I put it in gear it stalled again. Tried a couple more times before coming to a stop. Once stopped it started up in first after putting down and raising the side stand. It happened a couple more times same as above so I decided to bring it home and drain the new oil I recently tried and replace it with the regular brand I've been using thinking maybe the oil was the problem. After the oil change I put 150 miles on the bike without incident. Today (Monday) the bike stalled at slow speed and I almost dumped it in an intersection. I haven't been riding the bike much the past couple of months and a friend suggested I might have some condensation in my gas tank. Prior to this I've never had any problems with the bike's performance. I'm hoping the collective wisdom of the group can provide some ideas on what might be causing the stalling and possibly offer some suggestions on how to diagnose the problem? Thanks in advance for your feedback. :S



2005 R1200RT






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One thing for sure is that the oil was not the problem. You might want to inspect the fuel pump controller on top of the tank for moisture or corrosion as a first step. Do a search and you'll find lots of information on this problem and how to solve it both permanently or temporarily if you get stranded.



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-bike stalled out while riding down the road at about 35mph, I put it into neutral while rolling and started it back up without a problem but as soon as I put it in gear it stalled again. Tried a couple more times before coming to a stop. Once stopped it started up in first after putting down and raising the side stand. -





Morning Lorna



Lacking more info on your problem about all we can go on is the info in your above post.


The stalling as soon as you put it in gear kind of points to a faulty side stand switch but moisture in the gasoline is also a possibility as well as the possibility of errant engine sensors or something totally different like a bad stick coil or nonresponsive idle stepper motor.


If you can track it down to only stalling in gear or otherwise related to slightly moving the side stand that might help you track it down.


Any chance you are hitting the side stand with your foot as you come to a stop?


With all the electronics on the 1200 hexhead motorcycles on things like intermittent stalling or non repeatable malfunctions you either need to be good guesser or hook some testing equipment up to the bike like a GS-911 or dealer Computer.


If you can keep it running long enough to ride it maybe run this tank of gasoline through it then try a fresh re-fill to see that makes a difference.


Going on “just” the information you furnished above if it were my bike I would try a side stand switch by-pass to see if that stops the stalling. That would at least yea or nay the side stand switch as the problem.


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I had a similar problem a while back, the bike would stop running with no rhyme or reason. I would notice that the info display would blank out, but usually come right back. Eventually it stopped all together, and I finally found both battery terminal bolts SLIGHTLY loose. Not much, but apparently enough, tightened both 1/4 turn and no problems since.


Just a thought

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