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Best Ride of the Year


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It was only about 70 miles, but the components of a great ride all came together just so late this afternoon - perfect temperature, beautiful fall colors, gorgeous sun-dappled clouds, the bike ran perfectly, I seemed particularly smooth, my cornering lines felt good, horses nodded their approval from the nearby fields, and the traffic parted left and right down side streets or driveways every time just before I caught up to it. It was amazing. The kind of ride I dream about when things are stressful at work. Ahhhh. I feel good! :)



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I was up on the Northern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway this weekend and was surprised how little color there was. Guess I need to head down to your end.





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Guess I need to head down to your end.


The leaves will not be at their peak for a couple of weeks yet, but there is definitely some change already evident. The ride was great for more reasons than just that; it was the composite of all things good about motorcycling.



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I'm happy for ya, you lucky bastage! ;)


We just left there on Friday and we could count the number of trees in color on our hands, but we did note that was a huge change from just a day or two before. It seems we should have altered our honeymoon plans by just a few days (or simply stayed on honeymoon until they kicked us out forcibly!).


What roads were you on?

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What roads were you on?

Too many different ones to mention, many of which have names rather than numbers. I guarantee that you have not been on most of these gems. Maybe I can show them to you at the next BRR Craig.



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