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Oil Level Warning Indicator -2010RT


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For those of you with 2010 models maybe you can help me out and tell me if my oil level warning indicator is working properly.


A couple of times now my oil level warning has said that the level is fine but when I check it manually I see either no oil in the sight glass or only a tiny bit at the bottom of the glass. On 2005 my 2005 the warning that you needed to add oil would have been on well before that point (and by the way I did have the update done to my 2005 to fix the warning coming on prematurely). I have never seen the low oil warning on this bike and I know I would have on my 2005. Makes me suspicious that its not working correctly.


Oh and yes I did have the bike on the center stand and left there for a good half hour after returning from a ride. It clearly wasn't a case of it being slow to drain back down into the bottom of the engine.


On the other hand I only needed to add about one third of a liter of oil to bring it back to almost the top of the circle (oil just touching the top red line on the sight glass).


So what do you think is it working or not?


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My 05RT did the same thing just last week.


Before the ride, oil was about at 3/4 level or higher. After the ride, the level was just visible in the sight glass.


Fortunately, I only had enough oil to bring the level up to 1/2 way, which I did while the engine was still warm.


The next day, after another ride, the oil was at the very top of the sight glass and has stayed there or is just starting to go down after about 3 more good rides.


Go figure.

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It might be the issue that your describing but I am not convinced. My recollection is that the last time it did this when I filled it and rode it the level was unchanged after the ride - in other words it did not appear over filled and the oil was still slightly below the top of the sight glass.


Also as I think about my question on the oil level warning I realized that that last time this occurred the level was below the site glass and I did add about half a liter of oil. So regardless of oil hiding I am still wondering if the sensor is working properly. I am thinking the sensor should be on if half a liter needed to be added. In fact on 2005 it usually came on well before you needed to half a liter. It may be that BMW has changed the calibration on this so it doesn't come on as often or it may be mine is not working.

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It may be as simple as technique; ride the bike, turn it off, leave it on the side stand for about 5-10 minutes, then put it up on the center-stand, now look at the sight glass.



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If you are really that concerned about it, you should let the dealer check it out under warranty. But, I suspect you are worrying a little too much. Quite frankly, I have an '05 and I wish the warning light didn't show up so much. I call it the "chicken little" light.

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Oh and yes I did have the bike on the center stand and left there for a good half hour after returning from a ride. It clearly wasn't a case of it being slow to drain back down into the bottom of the engine.




Side stand first for ten minutes THEN center stand.

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The check oil light has come twice since August. August and today. What gives? The oil is at the top of the sight line. In between, we covered a 10 day 1700 mile trip. We've been back 1 week and today first ride since returning. Oil's up.


After reading the above notes, is the bike's oil level (check mark) sensor going out? My oil level is a smidge below the top of the sight line. 30k miles on an 06 RT.



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