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CCC 100 Questions


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Having just knocked off a BBG and SS2000, I am itching to do a CCC 100 running the JAX->SDO->JAX route.


I'd like to make the run early next year.


Is there a preferred time when the weather could be expected to be the least problematic? What time of the day have most folks found to be optimal for the start?


Any insight available would be greatly appreciated.

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I did a 50cc in Feb of 09 and while it was chilly at the departure (~28 degrees) it was in the 60s by the time I hit the FL/AL border and stayed there till San Antonio. It got chilly going through Alpine, CA on the east side of San Diego, but only for about 15 miles.


Let us know, I'll be glad to be a start/finish witness for you.

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Thanks Matt.


If the spring weather cooperates in the Northeast so I can start getting the miles up again, I'd be looking at a last week of April - first week of May time frame.

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Having been a CC & CCC Ride Coordinator for large groups in multiple years, our experience has been that late March and early April seem to have the best weather picture. Of course every year is different. It is always preferred, especially when planning for a solo ride, to maintain as much flexibility as possible with a departure date. If you can keep from being locked into a certain date, you can pick the weather window when it presents itself.


Best of luck to you.

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Having been a CC & CCC Ride Coordinator for large groups in multiple years, our experience has been that late March and early April seem to have the best weather picture. Of course every year is different. It is always preferred, especially when planning for a solo ride, to maintain as much flexibility as possible with a departure date. If you can keep from being locked into a certain date, you can pick the weather window when it presents itself.


I'll second Greg's recommendation.


My first CC50 was done in early April as part of an MTF group ride. Prior to that ride, I made two attempts before finally certifying my first BBG ... both attempts using part of I-10 that I would use for the 50CC.


During my first BBG attempt (early Feb), I ran into problems with pretty dense fog. I re-attemped the BBG in March ... still had fog but was able to get through it safely without much time delay.


Hope that helps.

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Having just knocked off a BBG and SS2000, I am itching to do a CCC 100 running the JAX->SDO->JAX route.


I'd like to make the run early next year.


Is there a preferred time when the weather could be expected to be the least problematic? What time of the day have most folks found to be optimal for the start?


Any insight available would be greatly appreciated.


Since you are doing the JAX-SDO-JAX, I recommend that you schedule your finish to be concurrent with the start of the IBA "Pizza Party", which, I believe is right around Datona Bike Week. Just a thought.


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My 100CCC was in September so I can't speak to your calendar question as well as those that have already responded, however, I can offer a thought on the timing.


Plan so that, if at all possible, you are rolling through west Texas during daylight hours. There are LOTS of deer and with the speed limit in that area there's very little time to respond to critters.


Best of luck!


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That sounds like sage advice. I'm not a very big fan of deer. From what I hear from people in the area, the deer population continues to grow considerably in that area.



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That sounds like sage advice. I'm not a very big fan of deer. From what I hear from people in the area, the deer population continues to grow considerably in that area.



And they are BIG deer too.
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It was the MTF that I was doing the Ride Coordinating for, I think in 2003-2005. I was on the SD end and wouldn't be surprised if we met very briefly if that was one of the years you participated. Small world amongst fellow riders.


BTW, Ray, I still have the all the fuel stop logs for the I-10 corridor listing all the fuel stops along the entire route. I have not updated since the 2005 MTF 100CCC. However, I am sure the vast majority of the fuel stops are still in business with others being added, some changed names, etc. It is in MS Excel format. It lists distances, hours of operation, exit numbers, lat&long, etc. very useful for such a trip for planning. You are welcome to a copy, just contact me off list.

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2005 was my first MTF ride, going from JAX to SDO. I was riding an ST1300 at the time, but that bike handled the crazy west Texas winds very well.


We might have met up briefly out there. If I remember right, most of the witnesses were at the SDO hotel, so it was a quick check-in, then carrying all my gear up 3 flights of stairs since the elevator was out of service. Still, I had a great time on that ride!

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That sounds like sage advice. I'm not a very big fan of deer. From what I hear from people in the area, the deer population continues to grow considerably in that area.




If you end up out there after dark, one word .... LIGHTS!

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I did an HID upgrade of the headlights on my R1200RT and in conditions like these, I run with a set of Baja Fuegos above the mirrors. I find that to be plenty bright in the worst of conditions.

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