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so who else here has had PT on a neck injury, that while they are pushing, pulling, twisting, and contorting your neck it sounds and feels like your vertibrae is eating grape nuts or granola? :S

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so who else here has had PT on a neck injury, that while they are pushing, pulling, twisting, and contorting your neck it sounds and feels like your vertibrae is eating grape nuts or granola? :S


Me. (And that sound never goes away.)

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When I had PT on my shoulder I was amazed how that little tiny 100lb woman could hold 1 finger in the right place and keep me in pain for 10 minutes while holding a pleasant conversation.

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I raced motocross for 20+ years and have had PT on my r.ankle, r. shoulder twice, L. humerous for almost 2 years 3x p/wk, L. wrist twice...but this neck injury is the worst time yet with PT

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