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No, this isn't about my family. Well, not all of it. My son and I are going to be driving to South Bend to attend a Notre Dame game. I think we're set as far as hotel- Goshen seems as good a place as any, but can any one give me some tips on parking? The university site mentions parking on the golf course, but only in good weather. There's also White Field parking, but nothing else mentioned. The lots open at 8:00, and we plan to get there then (game time is 2:30), but where else is there parking on campus, or in town with a shuttle?



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I don't know about parking, but this should be a great game to see. To me, Notre Dame and Pitt are two of the most under performing teams in college football. Both are capable of more than they are putting out. For Notre Dame, they have a pass given it's Brian Kelly's first year as head coach. I don't know what Pitt's excuse is, although in my 2 cents it's their head coach as well. Wanstead is a great defensive coordinator, but I'm not impressed with him as a head coach.


Anyhow, enjoy the game! I'll be watching it on television :thumbsup:

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I don't know anything about parking either, but I'm sure you will have a great time. Should be a good game and Notre Dame is such a beautiful campus. Enjoy the time with your son! Go Irish!



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Thanks guys. I wish it were Pitt. It's Western Michigan on the 16th, the only time my son could get off from work. Still, it should be a great experience. Nothing that big over here. Thanks, Eebie, for the links. They're just what I needed.

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Well, being there for any game is sure to be a memorable experience. I'd love to see ND play anyone in that stadium -- "touchdown Jesus" and all :grin:


Enjoy! And let us know how it goes. In fact, post some pictures :thumbsup:

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Last time there we parked over across campus at the chapel.

Found a bunch of cash in the bushes.


Free parking too.

We lost the game, but won a national title.


Lovely campus to explore.

Plenty of early arrivals so go early and look, you'll find a spot.

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Tim, was this at that great, Florida State @ Notre Dame game of the early 90's era? Charlie Ward was the FSU quarterback, and was it Ron Pawlus QB'ing for ND? That was a great game. Man! I still get excited thinking about that one.

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Actually, I stand corrected.

I was refering to the '93 game where they beat us and the BC beat them.

Charley was QB.

So windy the blimp never got back directly overhead.

The last time we were there was when we won something like 37-0

one of the worst home defeats ever put on them.

Think it was in '03.


Some great tailgate rigs in the ND lots.

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