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Change of seasons


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It's been a good riding season (a bit over 10k km's for me so far), but for a lot of riders it is nearing the end. The Farmers Almanac is predicting above average snowfall in my area this winter, I really hope they are right; snowmobile season is just around the corner. In the meantime, the transition period can be spent watching the start of a new NHL season which begins tomorrow! GO LEAFS!

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The Avalanche have a very respectable team with some dynamic young players including Matt Duchene. They will be starting the season with a good test against the defending Stanley cup champions.

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How do the Leafs look this year? I have seen very few of the pre-season games. Very much looking forward to the season starting.

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Well Leaf fans have been optimistically predicting a breakout year for the last 43 seasons. Personally, I believe this is the season where we see this franchise moving to being a very tough team to play against. Even when they falter a bit, their perseverance makes it always entertaining.

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We’ve actually had quite a nice fall in central Alberta too. Daytimes crystal clear and in the mid-20’s, nights in the upper single digits. Fall colours are intense. Very nice. Haven’t been able to get the bike out as much as I’d like, but still - hard to complain.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Daytimes crystal clear and in the mid-20's, nights in the upper single digits.


You are speaking in metric, I hope...

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Daytimes crystal clear and in the mid-20's, nights in the upper single digits.

You are speaking in metric, I hope...

Actually I'm speaking in Celsius, but yeah.


As long as I’m not speaking about any temperature with a minus in front of it, I’m happy! Donna thinks +24°C (75°F) is “hot.” I think she’s out of her mind!

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