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Not something you see every day

Gary in Aus

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Had a very exhausting holiday and saw some amazing things.


Carthage and surrounds has fascinated me for years and it was good to have time to explore.


However on holidays it is always the unexpected that can fascinate.


My wife and I visted the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian in Rome about 30 years ago and found the experience profound and on our recent trip we had a half day spare so we visited the Catacombs of Saint Calista a bit further out from the centre of Rome.


On our tour and in the area of Roman Christian Crypts we came across this statue of Saint Cecilia above her sarcophagus and I was moved by the grace of it.


See attached links , one has a photo of it and the other has a brief history of her.


Back in Rome we were able to arrange a visit to her church and see the original statue and the new sarcopagus in which she was placed.


Lot's of stories regarding her body but one document we found in her church claims that in 1599 after being buried for 1420 years when they were moving her body she was scratched and she actually bled.


I don't care if it's true or not , it's a good enough story that it should be.


It is one of the most evocative and enchanting statues I have ever seen and to be able to feel it was very special.










This is not a religious or skeptics item to prove right or wrong just something different.

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