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Sometimes Kids do make the right decision.


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So it is still really hot here in AZ. As a result, our 15 year old Michael has to get up at 4:30 every morning to go to Cross Country practice. It isn't fun to be that age and have to get up early to run every day and while his times are getting better, he isn't the speed demon some of the kids on the team are.


But today he made the right decision when faced with a moral question. The JV boys have to run a 4 mile loop that goes out from the school. Out about third of the way is a short cut back to the school. All of the other JV kids decided to take the short cut. All except Michael. He ran the full course. The other kids got caught by the coach and now face disciplinary action. Michael was ask why he didn't take the shortcut. He replied to the coach. "There is no point in cheating at practice, you won't get any better". Coach just called my wife to say he was proud of the way Michael handled the situation. It is cool to see a young man make a decision not based on his peers alone. It is a minor point in the great scheme of the boy's life, but it speaks well of his character.



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It is a minor point in the great scheme of the boy's life, but it speaks well of his character.




A major reflection of Michael's character, very impressive.

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It is a minor point in the great scheme of the boy's life, but it speaks well of his character.




It may be a minor point, perhaps, but one that he will remember for the rest of his life. Put that one in the good column. Nice of the coach to take time to recognize and reinforce his decision, that should make it stick. Ought to help with Varsity tryouts too!

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Nice n Easy Rider

Michael should be very proud for making the right choice. I'm sure you and your wife are very proud for the job you did in raising such a fine son.


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John Ranalletta

Good for the boy. Likely, he's not competing with somebody else' idea or standard.


BTW, I've been to Teasdale, did I miss something? Who'd want to live there? :dopeslap:

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Good for the boy. Likely, he's not competing with somebody else' idea or standard.


BTW, I've been to Teasdale, did I miss something? Who'd want to live there? :dopeslap:

I would buy in Teasdale rather than Torrey if I had it to do over.
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John Ranalletta

Is Teasdale a suburb of Torrey? I liked the houses with great southern vistas in the hills between Torrey and Rte. 12.

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I remember some pivotal moments like that in my young life. I also remember the times when I did take the shortcut, and what it cost me in later years. Fortunately, either there were more times when I did it right, or they stuck with me longer.


Equal to what it says about Michael, it speaks well of his parenting. Congratulations on bringing up a responsible, honorable and ethical young man.

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There are no shortcuts in life.

Only routes that take us to places where we will need to spend more time and energy getting back to the right path.

Good for him.

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At age 15, the boy is truely thinking for himself and the boy dunn good. :thumbsup:


I also believe how a 15 year old decides what is best usually stems from his teachers. Good job Tommy!


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Equal to what it says about Michael, it speaks well of his parenting. Congratulations on bringing up a responsible, honorable and ethical young man.


Couldn't have said it better.....

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...It isn't fun to be that age and have to get up early to run every day...


It isn't? When I was that age, I lived for it. That, and Mom's fried chicken. Then I discovered girls. It's been downhill ever since.

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Tommy, you are a lucky dad and the rest of us are going to be lucky to have a fine young man join the rest of us in society. I'm sure that you have had a hand in this good fortune with your guidance as a parent. Good job! Michael is a winner! :thumbsup:

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gOOD fOR Michael...


He's prolly a ... H A W K E Y E



Actually odds are he is going to be an Aggie or a Longhorn because it is pre-paid.



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Equal to what it says about Michael, it speaks well of his parenting. Congratulations on bringing up a responsible, honorable and ethical young man.


+1. Also +1 for kudos to the coach. Opportunities to "catch someone doing something good," can be few and far between, and it takes effort to do that and do it well.

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Glad he made the good decision to do the work right. You should be proud.


Now, I'm just curious - was he the whistleblower or did the coach just figure it out on his own? Bit of a hijack here but what's the right course of action for a young man to take in that situation?

1) Report it to the coach. It's a team sport and in the best interest of the team that everyone does the workout.

2) Discuss it with your teammates, but leave the coach out of it this time.

3) It's their business and that's on them. I ain't sayin' nothin to nobody.



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Joe Frickin' Friday
Now, I'm just curious - was he the whistleblower or did the coach just figure it out on his own? Bit of a hijack here but what's the right course of action for a young man to take in that situation?

1) Report it to the coach. It's a team sport and in the best interest of the team that everyone does the workout.

2) Discuss it with your teammates, but leave the coach out of it this time.

3) It's their business and that's on them. I ain't sayin' nothin to nobody.


This ain't West Point, but around there they try to live by the Cadet Honor Code:



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Glad he made the good decision to do the work right. You should be proud.


Now, I'm just curious - was he the whistleblower or did the coach just figure it out on his own? Bit of a hijack here but what's the right course of action for a young man to take in that situation?

1) Report it to the coach. It's a team sport and in the best interest of the team that everyone does the workout.

2) Discuss it with your teammates, but leave the coach out of it this time.

3) It's their business and that's on them. I ain't sayin' nothin to nobody.


Definitely not #1, under any circumstances. I'd suggest #2 only if he were the top performer on the squad and considered the team leader by his team mates, in which case he should call them all pussies and be vocally critical of their weakness (but not in front of the coach) whenever he sees it. Since he's only a sophomore, however, and still running JV, I think his best bet is to simply lead by his (already) shining example.

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gOOD fOR Michael...


He's prolly a ... H A W K E Y E



Actually odds are he is going to be an Aggie or a Longhorn because it is pre-paid.



If he were a Red Raider, he'd be a lot closer to Mom. If he makes that cross country team, he'll be quite the stud. :clap:

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gOOD fOR Michael...


He's prolly a ... H A W K E Y E



Actually odds are he is going to be an Aggie or a Longhorn because it is pre-paid.



I've seen lots of pics that you've posted of him and not one of them shows him drooling or picking his nose, so chances are he would not be accepted at A&M.

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Equal to what it says about Michael, it speaks well of his parenting. Congratulations on bringing up a responsible, honorable and ethical young man.


Couldn't have said it better.....


Neither could I. Very worthy, Tommy.

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