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BRR Check In

Nice n Easy Rider

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Nice n Easy Rider

Well, unfortunately for me, being the first to check in means I was probably the first to leave. Have the wedding of a family friends' son to attend so I left the MVI parking lot at exactly 5 this morning with a balmy temperature of 41F. Quick 4 hr ride home with little traffic.


Had a great time even though I will miss tonight's dinner and the beautiful riding weather that was predicted for today. Got to see a lot of familiar faces and meet a few new ones. Although the ride up on Wednesday was very wet and Thursday disappointed with on again/off again rain, Friday's weather was perfect.


Hope everyone has a great time and a safe ride home. And we'll all be looking for Bob (Endobobdds) to explain that mysterious hole in his sidecase. :S

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Nice n Easy Rider

I forgot to add a very hearty thank you to both Matt and Shawn for all the hard work they put into organizing this event. Thanks guys! :clap:

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MODS: Could we get someone to move this thread to the Ride Tales section? Many thanks!


Made it home safe and sound at 12:15 PM after a wonderful breakfast at the Pisgah Inn with the most excellent of company. :)


Thanks to everyone for making this BRR a great way to end the riding season (for some). I love the fall events, but there is always some sadness in knowing I won't see our friends from the north for another 5 months or so. I hope everyone had a great time!


Thanks again!



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Nancy and I are home after a wonderful breakfast at the Pisgah Inn and a great day of chasing Ken I around NC, SC & GA!


What a great weekend, thanks Matt and Shawn.

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Back into Atlanta after trying to keep ChrisK behind me.

It helps alot when he's two up :eek:


It was great to see everyone and I look forward to the spring event.

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We had a relaxed ride back in perfect riding weather. I took off the long underwear in Dahlonega, and also shed the side cases and passenger; with a loss of ~160 pounds, the RT was a lot easier to handle on tight roads.


Thanks to the women who attended and made my wife feel welcome at her first BRR.

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Just in after a long and mostly relaxing ride home. Thanks to everyone for a most excellent long weekend, and especially to our two master organizers, Shawn and Matt.


Great seeing everyone, riding, catching up and enjoying the company. Definitely won't let it be so long till the next one.


Cheers, everyone!

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Home at 1600, thanks gents. Thanks once again to Bill dirt god Ferran for the tour services, lunch, and dirt riding tips. Generous to a fault, as always.


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I'm home.... what is it with BRRs and rain on my way home? Spring BRR was 5 hours in a monsoon, Fall BRR was cool temps all day (high of 54.... its only 50 here in Columbus), overcast, misty rain off and on, and strong winds all the way home. Not a lot of fun.


But the riding on Friday and Saturday more than made up for it! Good to see everyone again and meet a couple new people.


Great time and I'm looking forward to the spring event.





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Back in the barn at 1800 after unloading the Knifemaker.


Many thanks to my cohort Shawn and to everyone who comes to these evens so that he and I don't have to eat 3 steam tables of roast beef alone.



Great to see everyone again and to share my good report with the crowd.


See you in the spring!

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Joe Frickin' Friday


Man, that thing really looks a disgusting shade of green in photos. :eek:


Got back a little after 5 PM. Chilly, electrics were nice. A tiny bit of sprinkles near Knoxville, other than that it was just glum-cloudy the whole way.


Had a blast yet again. BRR is always a good time, despite the distance; friendly, familiar faces and fun-tastic roads win me over every time.


Thank you, Shawn and Matt, for arranging the whole shindig yet again. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



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In at 5:45pm. What a great weekend. Wish it could be done more often. Had great weather the whole ride home. Thanks to everyone who made my wife Jackie feel right at home at her first BRR. She commented on how eveyone was so friendly. Thanks Shawn and Matt.

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Got in about 30 minutes ago. Deb and I had a great time minus the trip home over the Skyway in the fog, rain and grey out conditions. We really enjoyed this, thumbs up to Matt and Shawn for another wonderful BRR!

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In. Left at 4AM. Got home 653 miles in 11hrs 45 min.

Not a record but a good ride, My thanks to the crew. Also to Mr. Gerbings,who made the ride home enjoyable.

Opened garage and found 22 boxen of tools!! Seems the Snap-On shipping dept didn't get the memo to" hold" so I'm unpacking and checking stuff so I can get the bike in tonight.

Back to work, ride report on the Stones 023's later.



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Beth and I stopped to look at a house on Screamer Mountain off Warwoman Road.

Nice view.

We had a great time visiting with everyone.


See you next time.

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Well, due to unforeseen circumstances I didn't get to do a group ride with anyone, but nonetheless enjoyed the meal and fellowship on Saturday evening. Shawn and Mitch, I hope you've applied soap and bucket to your RTs by now; mine later confided to me that it felt a bit embarassed parked next to them in the hotel parking lot :grin:.


Just sayin'



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Shawn and Mitch, I hope you've applied soap and bucket to your RTs by now; mine later confided to me that it felt a bit embarassed parked next to them in the hotel parking lot :grin:.


Your just bitter because I banned you from the next BRR. Your not allowed to show up unless you ride through at least one mud puddle. :/


P.S. Your RT whispered to me that you secretly long to be a Harley owner.


Just saying.... :grin:

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Couple of quick shots to show the westerners what they missed at BRR...I will try to get some more uploaded a little later right now I just a little tired.....













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Beth and I stopped to look at a house on Screamer Mountain off Warwoman Road.

Nice view.

We had a great time visiting with everyone.


See you next time.


Suggest you buy it. It would be a good location for a permanent BRR Headquarters! :thumbsup:


Another fantastic BMWST event! Thank you Shawn and Matt - we all appreciate your efforts on our behalf.


I left at 8:00 AM and got home just after 8:00 PM. Cloudy and overcast all day expect for rain the last 30 minutes on the DC Beltway. Spend 3 hours on back roads this morning before riding I-81 most of the way home. Went up Roan Mt. (TN R173). That is where I had the blown tire value stem and flat front tire at the Spring BRR. Well the MT. had some fun with me again this morning. I will post some pictures and a ride tale later.


Look forward to seeing you all again in the Spring or at next summer's UnRAlly!

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Oops... Forgot to check in... Home about 6:15 after starting out with a nice breakfast at Pisgah with superb company, followed by a miserable trip over the Cherohala with Alan and Debbie (have I mentioned how much I hate fog??)


Made it up to myself with a new pair of winter gloves at Tellico Outfitters and an almost completely car-free trip from Pikeville over 30 to Spencer (yeah baby!!)


Lovely to see so many of you again... Apologies for my ADHD to those of you I didn't get a chance to connect with. Wil try again in the Spring!


(Oh, and Uncle Jed? I've firmed up plans to get dirty with you and the Dirt God Ferrin next trip!!)

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Home safe and sound. Got on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville and rode it to Boone for lunch. Bad fog on the Parkway until I got past Mt. Mitchell, but I got in a train of cars and just kept plugging along with them. Pitied the poor guy in the lead. Weather didn't get out of the mid-50s until I bailed out of the mountains for the slab ride into the lowlands.


Wonderful event yet again. Thank you for all the work Shawn and Matt. Even without the brats, we were able to socialize by taking over the parking lot for various group discussions. Only thing missing was Keith working on his bike.





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Home at 4:00 yesterday after approximately 550 miles home yesterday, thanks John for the lead out up to Hagerstown.


Thanks to all for making me feel right at home at my first BMWST event.


Look forward to see everyone at future events, and hopefully the RT and I can keep it rubber side down next time.

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Had great time--some of the best weather for riding in the Smokies

Theunis and I got home around 5 last night---many thanks to Matt and Shaun and every one involved.. Ted

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Arrived home yesterday around 6pm to a house full of grandkids...can't beat that. No issues and nice weather heading south, slowly pealing layers as I went. Not so nice ride over the foggy Cherohala as others mentioned, but it was comforting to know I had new rubber on the rear.


Thanks much to Matt and Shawn for another great BRR. What fantastic roads and company! See y'all next Spring.

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Your just bitter because I banned you from the next BRR. Your not allowed to show up unless you ride through at least one mud puddle. :/


I can help with that :rofl:

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Miserably wet both coming and going but those two sweet weather and riding days in between made it worth while.

Thanks again to Shawn and Matt.

Now to figure out why my Gerbings are blowing the fuse.

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Home safe on Saturday....I had to leave early because of an illness in the family.


Gil Horsley


Wondered where you disappeared to Gil ... hope everything is ok. Perhaps I'll get an earlier start and get to meet you in Tellico next time?


Take care!


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Dang, I am WAY out of practice...home safe at about 3 PM on Sunday. As usual, we were close to the last to leave.




Tim and Beth, thought about you as we went across Warwoman Road, let us know if you come check out anything else in the area!

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Ron is not checking in, but I'm providing a waypoint update. He arrived here Monday, very soggy and cold. Nothing a little Mount Gay and Coke couldn't counter.


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Just got in about 15 minutes ago. Geeez am I tired. Speaking of tires, I didn't need the tires that were brought down for me. All the same, a big thanks to my friend Dennis for bringing "rubber insurance"


Torrey was great. (as always!)


BRR was great. (as always!) A big thanks to Matt and Shawn!




Thanks Kathy, you're a grand host. (as always!!!)

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Terri and I just got back last night. Sorry we didn't get to connect up with so many of you, but we were on our honeymoon (I'll post a tale later after I get all the pics sorted out).


We were very happy to connect up with a few of you, at least to say Hi before most close down their riding season. It was great to get to ride with Shannon and Jim on Saturday and hang out some at our cabin (which was so hard to leave Friday morning).


Anyway, we could tell it was another great event. Thanks again to Shawn and Matt, especially for managing the reservation snafu with HIE Dillsboro (not fun when those things happen). We hope you all keep these events going ... because we'll keep coming to them. What a great place to ride! What a great bunch of folks!


See you all next spring?

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You know it!!!

Look forward to your honeymoon pics!!


Can you show those on this site? Or do we need to find the Youtube After Hours site?





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Terri's already posting a bunch to her Facebook account. I'm going to add them to my Smugmug account and then post a link under either Ride Tales or Riders Discuss Other Subjects. We did a lot of riding on our honeymoon, so I guess that counts for a Ride Tale. But the wedding? Hmmm.

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