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American Fork Canyon


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Been meaning to have a go at American Fork Canyon, UT-92, The Alpine Loop Scenic By-Way. Fall color is here, and there be aspens in them thar hills. It was time to make a go of it. :grin:


We've been enjoying unseasonably warm, sunny weather, and today was no exception. I got out early and was in the canyon before 8:00.




After a bit, I decided to go for a hike.




It's not often that you see the moon through the roots of a tree.




The limestone cliffs catch the morning light.




Soon the terrain changed, and I began to wonder just exactly what I was doing here!




It was a good thing someone had rigged some lights, because it became very dark, cool and damp on that trail.




I brought Sharon's lens, which is image stabilized, and fairly wide angle (24-135 in 35 mm equivalent), but my poor camera, now 2 and half years of age, was very challenged by the low light conditions.




So I was dependent on the feature lighting, and had a bit of a learning curve to get the camera doing something reasonable. I should have brought Sharon's camera too.




I was hard to get decent shots as the lighting was often harsh, the lights themselves were often right in the shot angles, and I was with a group of homeschoolers that tended to clog things up.




The homeschoolers, three families. The mom in front in red has an slr and still shoots film. The kids seemed very well educated. At the back, Becky, our interpretive ranger and tour guide. I met her on the trail, reading and walking at the same time. It's a steep 1100' foot climb to the cave entrance, and quite cliffy. She is either quite accomplished, or not too bright. They lost a ranger on that trail earlier this year. I guess they used to go up and down on trail bikes. No more. Now they walk too.






This is the "heart" of the mountain, or so we are told. The only colored light they have installed is a red one here, but it wasn't bright enough for my camera.








Soon I was working my way back down the trail, with views of Utah Valley and more.




This guy was growing under an overhang. The view is almost straight up.




These Canyon Maples (Big Tooth Maple) were arched over the trail and catching some light now.




The view up canyon was nice as well.




As was the ride.





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Very nice Jan. We took that Timpanogos Cave tour in the summer of 2007. Quite a hike to the cave on a hot afternoon! Smart of you to go in the morning...

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Stunning pictures Jan. I wouldn't be too quick to be critical of the lighting in the cavern, I like those pictures just as they turned out with some rock formations appearing to float in the dark. But if you are wanting to upgrade your camera I know a guy looking for a good used one. :wave:

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I headed up American Fork Canyon the other day too, and also took in Tibble Fork and the Alpine Loop before heading over to Heber Valley. I skipped the cave, though. You know, I've lived in northern Utah for three decades now, and I've never once been to Timpanogos Cave.


I've noticed an odd thing about the leaves this fall — many of them have just turned brown and shriveled up instead of turning bright colors. I wonder if it's due to that unseasonably warm weather that we've had here for the past two or three weeks.

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Very nice Jan. We took that Timpanogos Cave tour in the summer of 2007. Quite a hike to the cave on a hot afternoon! Smart of you to go in the morning...


Was torn between running up for early morning mtn view pics first, or the cave. Finally decided to do the cave first. Good thing I did. The sun was just getting on the trail when I came out, and folk coming up looked hot.

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Stunning pictures Jan. I wouldn't be too quick to be critical of the lighting in the cavern, I like those pictures just as they turned out with some rock formations appearing to float in the dark. But if you are wanting to upgrade your camera I know a guy looking for a good used one. :wave:


Thanks Paul. Software my friend, software....


The lighting, as compared for instance to the Gateway Auto Museum, is childish and harsh. They used tungsten spots placed close to the features, and right along the major sight lines. It could be done much better. However you are right, they did do a good job of choosing features to light, and some of the effects are nice. Still, I'd love to go back there with a camera capable of a good job at 3200 ISO. I only went to 800 ISO on mine. It will got to 1600, but the pics are not really usable at that ISO. At 800 they are ok for internet, but will print grainy and soft. Also, I was pushing low shutter speed and a lot of my shots lack critical sharpness as a result. Hey, remember, I get to pick which ones you see! :))))


I probably will get a new camera soon. But will keep this one and keep an alternate lens mounted on it, so I have two ready to go at any one time.

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I headed up American Fork Canyon the other day too, and also took in Tibble Fork and the Alpine Loop before heading over to Heber Valley. I skipped the cave, though. You know, I've lived in northern Utah for three decades now, and I've never once been to Timpanogos Cave.


I've noticed an odd thing about the leaves this fall — many of them have just turned brown and shriveled up instead of turning bright colors. I wonder if it's due to that unseasonably warm weather that we've had here for the past two or three weeks.


Hi there! Are you local? We'll have to get together. Do not hesitate to ask if you need any technical support... several of around here do all our own routine service.


Yeah, I think maybe the lack of a good hard cold snap, but I've also heard that since we haven't had much rain in weeks it hurt the show. For my own part, I think there is plenty of color, even if not like the best of years.


Back when we were crazy, about 2 years ago, we rode the RT's over Cascade Spring Drive to Cascade Scenic Drive. I took Sharon (Bullett) back up Am. Fork today (and up Mirror Lake too), and mistook Tibble Fork for the way we came down back then, so went up there. Was the wrong road, but very pretty, cool, and nice along the creek. Some very hot reds in there... lots of maple.

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