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Any fall colors yet in CA?


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I'm off for 10 days starting Sunday and was wondering if there are any scenic rides with fall colors in CA? SoCal or NoCal, I'm game. If I have to venture to AZ or UT to see some I may do that. Thanks.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

Going to answer just that question tomorrow morning. Carson, Ebbets, Luther Passes and whatever else I feel like covering. Not a marathon day like in the early summer, just need a therapeutic motorcycle ride (TMR) and some solo time.


I'll post pics if I find color. My oaks are still very green.

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Thanks for the replies. Sycamores are turning in the canyons here so I thought maybe in the foothills of the big mts. there might be some.

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Bishop Creek has great color right now

June lake is just beginning but needs more time

Monitor Pass is 50/50

All in all a ride up 395 would be worth it.

Next week should be really great.

Check here for updates

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That's a nice site for the fall colors, kinda like the desert wild flowers site. My wife wants to go check Julian and Oak Glen soon. Didn't see anything of note in Lockwood valley, so'ern hwy33 last week.

Then again, it was a warp speed run, I'm not sure I was looking for scenic.

It may take some colder weather before the sap starts to recess.

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