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Radar Love


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3200+ miles last week, across TX, NM, AZ, UT. Ample opportunities for the Escort to alert, which it did. Usually to let me know I had been nailed by instant-on. Not once did I get stopped, despite running at speeds beyond the 10-over Constitutional Right. In fact, in only one instance, in UT, did the oncoming trooper even react...he waved his thumb down at me, mouthing "SLOW DOWN" as I passed him at more than 30 over the low limit. ALL the rest of the times, the cops hardly looked over at me. This is all highway stuff, not the small-town guys who sit in wait hoping to write a ticket.


I was a little bit surprised.


Y'all having this same experience?


Didja know Golden Earring is still together, 47 years later, and, outside the U. S., is still a major band? I din't.

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Somewhat same experiences. Got the late instant-on alert at my usual needle on 80 in 65 or 70/55 a few times, one warning, else nothing. My Escort pays of big time on the nearby county roads that are very comfortable at 50, but limited to 30. Good thing, county's finest are waiting for you with the radar on all the time.

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It's kind of a hit or miss situation as far as locals are concerned, but the Illinois State Police now talk pretty openly about looking for cars that are "15 or 20" miles an hour above the speed limit. Ten over around here generally sees everyone else leaving you in the dust.

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10-over Constitutional Right.



Where do you have an actual constitutional right to be even 0.1 over the posted speed limit?


Er - I think that was a tounge-in-cheek statement Ken....



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10-over Constitutional Right.



Where do you have an actual constitutional right to be even 0.1 over the posted speed limit?

Com'on Ken, you should know by now that Mark's tongue is hurting for being all the time in his cheek... :)

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I think I need to go faster. No, I'll get the ticket. I'm such a chicken $hit. There must be some invisible sign around my vehicles that says "GIVE TICKET" even when parked. Although I did get a warning a few months ago for something I didn't do. I was riding the Ducati on local roads. :wave:

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10-over Constitutional Right.



Where do you have an actual constitutional right to be even 0.1 over the posted speed limit?


It's the 128th Amendment to the Texas Constitution, Article 34(a).10003(b): "All drivers licensed in the State of Texas shall not be ticketed for speeding unless and until their speed exceeds ten miles per hour over the posted limit. This Amendment applies to all jurisdictions in the United States of America, and supersedes any lesser State's idiotic ideas about ticketing for speeding."


I'm surprised at you, Ken, I thought everyone knew about this. :wave:

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It's the 128th Amendment to the Texas Constitution, Article 34(a).10003(b) This Amendment applies to all jurisdictions in the United States of America, and supersedes any lesser State.


I'm surprised at you, Ken, I thought everyone knew about this. :wave:

Well I did know that Texas thinks they supersede all else. ;)

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Well I did know that Texas thinks they supersede all else


Historically speaking, Texas was a separate entity before the upper states incorporated it. Of course all they do and think supersedes all else.

That's why they are called Texacanos!

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