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Russian roulette


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Crazy! There is something I don't get. When he is splitting between the going and coming lanes, none of the oncoming cars moves over even a little bit. I would think that would be a instinctive reaction. Russians are stoic, but that much? Something fake in there?

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Crazy! There is something I don't get. When he is splitting between the going and coming lanes, none of the oncoming cars moves over even a little bit. I would think that would be a instinctive reaction. Something fake in there?

I don't think the oncoming traffic had time to react and move over.

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Crazy! There is something I don't get. When he is splitting between the going and coming lanes, none of the oncoming cars moves over even a little bit. I would think that would be a instinctive reaction. Something fake in there?

I don't think the oncoming traffic had time to react and move over.


I dunno squat about Russia, but in many countries in Europe, that's pretty commonplace. Sit in a traffic jam in Paris and you'll have scooters wizzing by on the center stripe, splitting the oncoming traffic.


It might just be that they're used to it.

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Dennis Andress

He's always on the brakes and under control before things get tight. Skill, and a youthful acceptance of risk. (The camera view always seems to be somewhat away from reality in these things.)

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I see far more reckless stupidity in that video than skill. The ass on the bike deserves about six months in jail for his selfish little stunt that endangered the lives and property of every other person on the road with him.

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I see far more reckless stupidity in that video than skill. The ass on the bike deserves about six months in jail for his selfish little stunt that endangered the lives and property of every other person on the road with him.


I'll agree it was reckless and stupid, but if you didn't see skill in that video, you need to look again. Reading traffic like that so that you're prepared for the lane changes and the choke points before you get there (Which he clearly was) is not easy.

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...if you didn't see skill in that video, you need to look again.

I said that I saw far more reckless stupidity than skill. The guy obviously has quick reflexes and the ability to hang onto a bike, but it doesn't take a genius rider to plow through traffic like that. Instead, the main requirement is suppression of fear combined with extreme recklessness and a narcissistic disregard of not only himself but of everyone around him.


Riding skill, in my opinion, comes through a combination of natural ability, lots of experience (practice) and good judgment. This twit might have the first of these three requirements covered, and part of the second, but he completely fails at the third.

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Interesting video,

Good skills, very reckless.


Have you ever played frogger on your computer?

Often you/your frog made it through speeding cars and truck in multiple lanes, but often time you did not.

In real life there is no reset button. :)



This was shot with a wide lens, fish-eye video camera like the go-pro HD wearable camera. I have one.

The footage (speed and distances) looks much more dramatic than in real life.


still, I agree the dude should be locked up.


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Excellent visual skills and spacial awareness :clap:


I didn't like into the oncoming so much, a little more luck is required.

I agree that the reaction time for the oncoming drivers was minimal, so thankfully they were center-lane for the most part and not doing makeup or texting :dopeslap:


In my experience with video, it seems faster than it actually was.

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So.........Jamie just came home and we sat down and I showed her this.


Her first comment? "Oooh, he's friggin' good!!"


Her next involved citing the famous line from THIS commercial!


Yes, in case anyone was wondering, I really do have the coolest wife EVER!!!



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I see far more reckless stupidity in that video than skill. The ass on the bike deserves about six months in jail for his selfish little stunt that endangered the lives and property of every other person on the road with him.


I'll agree it was reckless and stupid, but if you didn't see skill in that video, you need to look again. Reading traffic like that so that you're prepared for the lane changes and the choke points before you get there (Which he clearly was) is not easy.


I saw skill but also a lot of luck as...one person texting or distracted and making a quick left turn in front of him and...........the odds are against you in this situation.

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...if you didn't see skill in that video, you need to look again.

I said that I saw far more reckless stupidity than skill. The guy obviously has quick reflexes and the ability to hang onto a bike, but it doesn't take a genius rider to plow through traffic like that. Instead, the main requirement is suppression of fear combined with extreme recklessness and a narcissistic disregard of not only himself but of everyone around him.


Riding skill, in my opinion, comes through a combination of natural ability, lots of experience (practice) and good judgment. This twit might have the first of these three requirements covered, and part of the second, but he completely fails at the third.


It wasn't just "plowing through traffic". There were plenty of lane changes and speed changes to anticipate changes in traffic (sometimes before the traffic changes even happened). As a former motorcycle commuter through some of the most congested areas of LA, I can assure you that this is a skill.

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So.........Jamie just came home and we sat down and I showed her this.


Her first comment? "Oooh, he's friggin' good!!"


Her next involved citing the famous line from THIS commercial!


Yes, in case anyone was wondering, I really do have the coolest wife EVER!!!




HotJamie's got it goin' on.


She is, after all, pimp sauce.




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I see far more reckless stupidity in that video than skill. The ass on the bike deserves about six months in jail for his selfish little stunt that endangered the lives and property of every other person on the road with him.


Exactly!! Skill is found on the track, on the public street where others are at risk, it is simple stupidity, carelessness and selfishness.

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Did anyone else find themselves crouching down and moving from side to side with the rider :D


or having to change underwear halfway through :(

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I love the smell of skill in the morning.


Yea, verily! The guys knows to a millimeter how wide his scooter is and can read gaps real well.


I wish his speedometer had been visible. I'm with Paul on perhaps the vid having been sped up a little.


I suppose if I were confronted with the prospect of growing old in Moscow I might ride like that, too. :eek:



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..... However I'm afraid attrition will take its toll before common sense starts to kick in.


Mmmmm - I wouldn't bank on seeing Russian Roulette II

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I spent a couple of weeks in Paris during June and was amazed at the riding "skills" of the many motorcycle riders in the Paris traffic. I asked my Paris resident friend why there were fewer accidents than I would expect. He offered two reasons: 1)never pay attention to anything that is not in front of you 2) local drivers and riders know how to get along and don't attempt to hurt each other.


I saw RT's riding between cars with only inches to spare and nobody was yelling and screaming. Yikes!

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I saw RT's riding between cars with only inches to spare and nobody was yelling and screaming. Yikes!


That's common out here where lane splitting is legal.

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I see far more reckless stupidity in that video than skill. .....

Absolutely.! On the road, it's reckless stupidity.

If it's on a race track then I would call it skill.

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Have you ever played frogger on your computer?


I too thought of Frogger as I watched the video. This guy's challenge was to get the the proverbial highest level on the first attempt, with very severe consequences for one misjudgement. The "traffic" in Frogger makes no unexpected moves though. He made it....this time.



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Wowwy, such frothy mouthed unbelievers. Safety minded dropping their jaws and loads. Looked like he coulda be in no more than 3rd gear. Lots of noise and wheelies. But you notice that he probably went by most of the cagers and they never knew he was there.

Looks like the 60 FWY on the way to work, when I worked. 'Cept for the wheeies, I didn't do wheelies. Well, maybe once on the RTP.

This was a video after all maybe it was like a movie and all just an illusion......

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Have you ever played frogger on your computer?


I too thought of Frogger as I watched the video. This guy's challenge was to get the the proverbial highest level on the first attempt, with very severe consequences for one misjudgement. The "traffic" in Frogger makes no unexpected moves though. He made it....this time.


I wish people wouldn't mention Frogger, because when they do, I'm stuck for hours with "Froggy's Lament" running through my head. ("Drop your magic twanger, Froggy.")

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Silver Surfer/AKAButters

Wow! Selfish idiot. Skill doesn't come up when you are putting others lives at risk.

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I didn't see this mentioned...


Actually, I can see some advantages in splitting between the oncoming traffic over splitting between lanes going the same direction. No one will decide to change lanes in front of you. And I suspect that the gap is more reliable than between lanes going the same direction. The car drivers will all want to stay away from the next lane.


It is a case where the likelihood of a problem is reduced, but the seriousness of the problem is increased. You may be less likely to have the space close up on you, but if anything goes wrong, you have big problems, not just a mirror scrape.

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Just got back from Italy and splitting between lanes (like we do in California) is simply not an issue. Even splitting towards the oncoming traffic is so common I did it....kind of got shamed into it after enough people old enough to be my parents rode on scooters by doing it.


He may have indeed been reckless at times, but the skill level cannot be denied.

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Watch the buildings on the side of the street instead of the cars being passed, to get a better perspective on real speed. There were certainly times when he was moving right along. However, I believe his speed merely seems very high at times, because he is passing stationary vehicles on the right and on-coming vehicles on the left. My guess would be that he is only doing about 30 mph most of the time when he is splitting the two directions of traffic (obviously with some exceptions were he rolls on the gas where there is no on-coming cars). Watch his left hand and the RPM needle throughout the video and it is clear that most of the video is done in 1st and 2nd gear.


Obviously a skilled and experienced rider, but pretty much a guaranteed road-pizza sooner or later.

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I see far more reckless stupidity in that video than skill. .....

Absolutely.! On the road, it's reckless stupidity.

If it's on a race track then I would call it skill.


That's a completely asinine statement. "Reckless and stupid" and "requires skill" are not mutually exclusive.


Also, I'm not sure what the race tracks are like where you live, but it is pretty rare to see a race track with traffic jams and oncoming traffic around here.

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I see far more reckless stupidity in that video than skill. .....

Absolutely.! On the road, it's reckless stupidity.

If it's on a race track then I would call it skill.


That's a completely asinine statement. "Reckless and stupid" and "requires skill" are not mutually exclusive.


Also, I'm not sure what the race tracks are like where you live, but it is pretty rare to see a race track with traffic jams and oncoming traffic around here.


When Dr. David Banner gets angry he turns into the Hulk. When the Hulk gets angry he turns into Chuck Norris. When Chuck Norris gets angry he turns into the Stig. When the Stig gets angry he turns into russell_bynum replying to post on bmwrt.com :smile: :wave:

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More recklessness than skill.

He has some skill but no regard at all for safety of OTHER people. (I give rats gas what happens to the rider)


At 1:53 he blows past a van and other cars that are stopped in front of a crosswalk. The lanes are clear ahead of the stopped cars so obviously the traffic is stopped there for pedestrian traffic.

This hero blows right past the van with inches to spare, if there was some crossing the street, on the crosswalk, obscured by the van and other cars this guy would have killed the pedestrian. Period.


Not much skill, just stupidity and good luck.




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That's a completely asinine statement. "Reckless and stupid" and "requires skill" are not mutually exclusive.


Also, I'm not sure what the race tracks are like where you live, but it is pretty rare to see a race track with traffic jams and oncoming traffic around here.


I have to say that I didn't expect that response. Perhaps my contention was not clear.

I did not state that the rider was without skill. In referring to the racetrack, I was inferring that the rider's true skills could be measured in a safe manner. On this video, there are too many other elements in play to attribute defined skills. Apart from he obvious camera distortions on speeds and distances, drivers will no doubt be making allowances for any small errors.

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Death wish. He needs to study probability and mathematical statistics. There are so many random little events coming his way that one of them will reach out and touch him eventually. Not "if" but "when", "skillz" or not.


My only hope is that my son doesn't see this and get ideas ... :eek:

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So he had skill, who gives a S##T, I wouldn't stop to help him if he wrecked. Hope he doesn't take anyone with him. If it was one of mine, you would never see him on a bike again.


When you endanger me and my family on a public road, you cross the line.


I don't expect to see him anymore if he does not change his ways.

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Death wish. He needs to study probability and mathematical statistics. There are so many random little events coming his way that one of them will reach out and touch him eventually. Not "if" but "when", "skillz" or not.


My only hope is that my son doesn't see this and get ideas ... :eek:

I am sensing another take on this. Perhaps depression and suicidal thoughts are part of this videographers mind set. Extreme motorcycling is his only form of self-gratification to an otherwise dead end life. The high probability of becoming road pizza is simply a means to the end.

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So he had skill, who gives a S##T, I wouldn't stop to help him if he wrecked. Hope he doesn't take anyone with him. If it was one of mine, you would never see him on a bike again.


When you endanger me and my family on a public road, you cross the line.


I don't expect to see him anymore if he does not change his ways.


I didn't know you moved to Moscow! How do you like it there? I hear the winters are pretty brutal, but the history and some of the architecture is really interesting. I'd love to see some pics sometime!

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