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Torrey Twenny


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3238.8 miles; 65.8 mph average; 39.2 mpg average, loaded, two up.


With the OCD stuff out of the way, the Torrey Storrey:


Weather was perfect, almost as good as the people. Best day was up to Huntington Canyon for a free lunch, thanks to 1BMWFan. Best day of riding ever (I keep saying that, but it really does keep getting better). Sweeper Madness is fun, but the road from Huntington to Fairview is much prettier, and as far as I'm concerned, just as much fun. Suzanne really took part as pillion, making the riding even better. No traffic laws were obeyed by me, CoarseGoldKid et ux, DHanson et ux Just Jean, Whip and Miz Whip, 1BMWFan, and JohnLt; oh, and Richard, whose secret identity I don't remember, and no doubt I forgot one or two other riders (Eddddd). Following the Hansons and the Whips two up was a joy.


Diablo Cafe. Nothing more need be said.


Saturday was Hwy 12 down to Escalante. Somehow I managed not to die of fright in the section that has sheer cliffs straight down ten thousand feet directly from the edge of the pavement. On both sides of the road. Acrophobic, I am. Art show in Escalante was small potatoes. I chickened out on the Burr Trail fresh chipseal, too scary due to a good friend's poor timing in going down on some loose gravel a week beforrey Torrey, busting up lots of things real bad, including his bike. Did a 22-point u-turn with heart in mouth and scuttled back to Hwy 12.


For some stupid reason we left early Sunday, rather than hanging around another day, but it was for a good cause. We (Suzanne and I) rode through Monument Valley, a memory lane ride from 1971, on a vastly different motorcycle: 2-stroe Suzuki 500, with sleeping bags, tent, Coleman 2-burner stove, gigantor nested cookset (we could practically bathe in the largest pot) and assorted other stuff, all lashed and bungeed higgledy piggleey on the thing.


The ride home was typical. Dronnnnne along forever, kill millions of bugs.


A first for me: a BIG bug manages to fly directly into the open vent on top of my Shoei helmet, liquefying itself, said liquid oozing onto my increasingly hairless pate. I forgot to look in the mirror when we got home before showering, to see what color the bloody mess was.


End report.

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A first for me: a BIG bug manages to fly directly into the open vent on top of my Shoei helmet, liquefying itself, said liquid oozing onto my increasingly hairless pate. I forgot to look in the mirror when we got home before showering, to see what color the bloody mess was.


w/o pics... jus' sayin'.


Nice seein' you two.



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That was a great ride to Huntington and also a very good free lunch, would have got the root beer float if I had known it was free.


I droned home pulling the trailer, and tried to calculate if the butterfly or large bugs that avoided the hood and windshield of the car actually had enough lift to avoid the trailer that stood even taller. On visual check at home, think most did not.

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Howard. I forgot about Howard. He only sat next to me at lunch. Forgettable guy. These days everything is forgettable. Wait: Twisties and Bullett might've been there, too. Or not.

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w/o pics... jus' sayin'.




YIKES! Pulled the liner out, and it turns out it was a WASP, and note the photo...stinger was mm from my scalp. Death must have been instantaneous. Thumbs are clicky.






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