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R1200RT Parking Light Upgrade


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My RT has HIDs and they are superb but they make the parking lights look like two small brown dots. Has anyone found an upgrade for the front parking light bulbs, perhaps to bright white LEDs?

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My RT has HIDs and they are superb but they make the parking lights look like two small brown dots. Has anyone found an upgrade for the front parking light bulbs, perhaps to bright white LEDs?


Yeah... I saw LEDs for p-lights


A Company in England... Reviewed in Motorcycle Consumer News perhaps 6 months back.

I checked out their site... Can't think of the name now.

I ran out of gas interest/time wise. Looked interesting.


Moshe Levy (sp?), can you help here???




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Thanks for the comments. I would love to change the bulbs for some super bright LEDs but it sounds from the comments here that this would not be a straight swap. Would I need to modify the holders (or anything else?)

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If you're referring to the BikeVis Bullets, those are self contained LEDs, not bulbs you'd substitute for parking lights in an RT. They can work here, but I'm guessing the OP wanted bulb substitutes in the existing housing. See http://www.mklsportster.com/Articles/mcn-bikevis.pdf for my article. I still have a pair of bright blue ones they gave me for testing.






Yes that's the place..

After reading your article I went to the site and found these in adition to the Bullits...









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