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BRR Excited Chatter Thread!!!!


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We here on the "other" coast have been a bit sedate about our up and coming event. I thought I would give us a thread to get just a BIT pumped up about BRR. Personally, I have new tires mounted, oil checked, MP3 player loaded and 1 of 2 growlers cleaned and ready to go! I might wash it tomorrow after work. It looks a bit silly with clean rims and a chrome pipe that looks like the side of an 18 wheeler after heading down the Ohio Tunpike in February.


It's time people! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thumbsup::grin:

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Joe Frickin' Friday

Looking forward to NOT freezing my ass off: forecast calls for mostly sunny, high of low 70's all the way down. Slightly chilly departure (49F), but no 33-degree rain like last April. :grin:


New fuel pump controller.

New brake lines.

New tires.

New iPod.

New Sahara Pegs.


Ready for departure. :thumbsup:

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Ditto, Friday morning.

We're wearing helmets, leaving the windows down and leaning through the curves.


Well, we are leaving FRiday.



Mitch, Monday forecast in the 30's.


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Worked almost 70 hours last week, I need this!


Thursday riding down US15 from Frederick MD to Raleigh, to have dinner with someone from my college days, then Friday morning straight out to Western NC to see what this is all about!

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Headed out in 46 hours. Went for a ride Sunday to break in the new seat a bit, it works great. Oil checked, tires good, brakes check, checklist checked, all checks checked, I need this. Out the door Wednesday morning, to Bedford VA to visit an old shipmate then on down to Maggie Valley for some fun and friends WOOOOHOOOO!!!!

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Taking Tuesday off..leaving Wednesday morning after Matt finishes up with the butcher....


Cameras cleaned, 3 of them....there will be photos...


New battery in the KLR...

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Can't wait! I checked the tires, oil, and cleaned the bug guts off the windshield twice now. The unseasonably hot weather has broken and the forecast looks great! Is it time yet!

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Between yesterday and this morning prepped my paper GPS, marked some routes, checked out the bike, topped up the oil to the top of the red circle :) , re-mounted a rear wheel/tire that I took off before the unlucky UN ride.

Right now I'm nursing a running nose cold, but I don't think it will hold me back. Thursday morning off to some nice West Virginia/Virginia roads that are too far for my Sunday rides, stop for the night near Roanoke, Friday BRP to Maggie Valley.

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Cameras cleaned, 3 of them....there will be photos...


Just remember, all that stuff in that top box is going to make riding off road mighty tricky with that KLR so top heavy

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Cameras cleaned, 3 of them....there will be photos...


Just remember, all that stuff in that top box is going to make riding off road mighty tricky with that KLR so top heavy


Not to mention all the possible damage to those fine cameras once/if the bike goes over. Silly mud puppies.. :)

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Not to mention all the possible damage to those fine cameras once/if the bike goes over. Silly mud puppies..






The KLR's new name...........WEEBLE !!! :grin:

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Joe Frickin' Friday
I guess that explains how your 'stitch looks... :rofl::wave:


Actually, that's excess tire from Mitch's bike. :grin:


Were you following me through Wisconsin last month!?


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I guess that explains how your 'stitch looks... :rofl::wave:


Actually, that's excess tire from Mitch's bike. :grin:


Were you following me through Wisconsin last month!?



Bring me my brown leathers!

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I guess that explains how your 'stitch looks... :rofl::wave:


Actually, that's excess tire from Mitch's bike. :grin:


Were you following me through Wisconsin last month!?



Who says I have washed the stich since spring BRR? :eek:

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Took a warm-up ride to Birmingham Al. this past weekend to the AMA races at Barber Motorsports. Can't wait to pack-up and leave Thursday morning for the BRR. My wife is going to be accompanying me on this trip. Bring it on. Looks like it might be a little chilly.

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Forty-two very, very, very long hours to go and then Quinn and I will be on our way. :clap::clap::clap:




46.5 for me......hopefully! Silly work gets in the way all the time. :)

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I'm REALLY looking forward to heading that way early Friday morning ... need my zen time and my hugz!


(Only thing is I haven't had time to get new tires, so probably going to be a bit more sedate than normal on the rides --- but still love my Pilot Road 2's!!)

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Wednesday morning meeting with the orthopedist about my shoulder and then it's on.


Wednesday moring meeting with a gastroenterologist. :(


Have not had the bike out since labor day when I got back from my return trip from the Unrally/Seattle. If I survive the Wednesday morning procedure, I should be ready to go early Thursday morning. :thumbsup:


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I'm going major ADD for a second. A lot of us have mounted some sort of tires for the event. I got between a rock and a hard place and could not find PR2's locally. So, I took a leap of faith (wait for it) and picked up some Pirelli Angels. Check out this line from a review of the tire.


When we say that the Angel ST has two distinct personalities, we weren't kidding-the actual tread pattern clearly shows an image of an angel, wings and all, but after about 650 miles the angelic image wears off to reveal that of a demon. We're not making this up. Honest.


Sounds like most of my dates during college. :rofl:


The rest of the review is here.



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Having missed most of the fine spring riding season this year, plus cabin fever from the unrelenting heat of summer, I am really looking forward to this ride. A perfect weather forecast is icing on the cake. And this time, I've persuaded my wife -- who needs a break more than me -- to come along.

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Right now I'm nursing a running nose cold, but I don't think it will hold me back.

Ten hours of in your face airflow is just the thing to dry out your sinuses.

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Right now I'm nursing a running nose cold, but I don't think it will hold me back.

Ten hours of in your face airflow is just the thing to dry out your sinuses.


Nothing clears your head like 3 tanks of gas at speed? :grin:

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Nee-ner-nee-ner-nee-ner ... Terri and I leave tomorrow (Tues) morning at 9:00 am (hopefully, as long as we can get packed by then - busy last few days). We'll be at the first stop of our honeymoon - a B&B in Wayneville, just a hop-skip-and-a-jump from Maggie Valley. We'll probably be able tp catch up with whoever is available on Wed-Thurs.


Friday is kinda out for us as we're switching to a really nice cabin for a week a ways out west near Fontana Lake. We'll come back to MVI for the Sat night dinner.

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HEY! What's the situation on hotel rooms? Any available or recently canceled? I'm WAY overdue for a get-together, and haven't seen most of you in quite some time.


Working too much, not riding enough, so all three bikes are in need of some TLC, but I'm sure the GS or Aprilia are up for the task. Should be able to leave Thursday or early Friday. Hope to see y'all soon!!!

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We'll be at the first stop of our honeymoon - a B&B in Wayneville,


All right, Craig! I can't think of a better omen for a good marriage than to start it out with a honeymoon by motorcycle. Congrats again to you both! (Bring along any leftover cake, will ya?) :grin:



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George and I are leaving tomorrow morning. It may start off with a little rain from our direction so I'm bringing some soap to throw on the bike to wash it.





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time sheet is filled out for the week, last work is handed off to coworkers.


topping off the tanks and packing the trailer for the 3 bikes making the trip...


19 hours till launch time

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you're lucky to be heading nw...it's nasty now and will be for the next 36 hours between melbourne and jax.


True that, it'll be a good day to be in the car!

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New front tire mounted, new frt brake rotors and pads installed. Oil topped off. Successful bed-in ride and test ride.

GPS files almost loaded.

I am out of here, as soon as my dentist lets me pull my helmet on Thursday AM. :grin:

Oh, need to pack also.


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