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Bike Insurance....


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Hope this isn't like an oil or tire thread but looking for recommendations for towing insurance............Prompted by a recent bad :mad: experience with current supplier........



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I have Foremost MC Insurance with Roadside assistance.

Have never filed a claim, but did call for assistance.

Free tow to nearest repair facility (20 miles to my home in my case)

No complaints. knocking on wood right now like a woodpecker. :grin::wave:

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Thanks appreciate the response......


OK, maybe more info will help.......

I'm interested in getting input from those that have unfortunately needed their bike picked up and been satisfied with the service by the insurer...Realize that even with the same company service will vary depend on the guy who comes out and other factors but our present insurer doesn't have a system that works outside of California......We just had a bad 3 hour wait to get a bike picked up while standing next to the freeway and finally called a locally recommended tow service after a number of conversations ....Insurance company failed miserably....



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I have MoTow through the AMA and have called on it twice in 10 years. It's free if you have auto-renewal. The first time when my 72 Yam 350 blew both pistons while I was riding to work on the HOV. Truck arrived with an hour but was not a dedicated motorcycle tow/lift and the guy was not prepared to strap the bike down... both required as stated by AMA but in the end he got me home. The guy was also quite the complainer... anyway, second time was in the middle of a snowstorm on a Triumph Bonneville coming home from work. I killed the bike by running all my heated gear in stop and go. Called MoTow and they said they couldn't get to me for 8 hours or so. I said I'd probably be frozen to death by then. She said I should call 911 (as it turns out, a pickup truck stopped and offered to take me home, and an SUV with 4 linebacker looking guys stopped and picked up the bike and put it in the back of the pickup... lifesavers). So it was the nature of the situation, no tow service could have helped. I also have whatever it is BMWMOA offers but have not had opportunity to use it. I think either would work. AMA MoTow is especially handy given the price... it's free.

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