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John Crump - no show in Torrey last night

Bob Palin

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John - where are you? Anybody know if he changed his mind about coming? The Chuckwagon just contacted me and said he didn't show up for his reservation last night.

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While I'm sure everyone is happy the man is safe and sound at home, I was just wondering how the group at the Chuckwagon will treat this "forgotten" reservation....I'm sure this happens, but I'd like to think that it shouldn't happen from any member here on BMWST...


I'm quite sure alot of folks would have liked to have that room.


just sayin'


Hope you kids be havin' fun.





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This happens when people reserve waaaaay ahead just in case they can make it, and then forget about it or cancel just a few days before due. I try to make Torrey about every two years. I used to call to make a reservation "only" a few month ahead, and always got on the waiting list. Some times I got in, notified just a few days ahead, or did not get in. Now I have a confirmed reservation for Fall 2011, but I promise to not forget and if needed :( cancel long before the date.

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While I'm sure everyone is happy the man is safe and sound at home, I was just wondering how the group at the Chuckwagon will treat this "forgotten" reservation....I'm sure this happens, but I'd like to think that it shouldn't happen from any member here on BMWST...


I'm quite sure alot of folks would have liked to have that room.


just sayin'


Hope you kids be havin' fun.




He wasn't the only one, I think there were two more no shows last night who forgot they had made reservations.
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He wasn't the only one, I think there were two more no shows last night who forgot they had made reservations.


For the CW's sake, I hope these guys are going to pay for the rooms anyway.


Doesn't Michelle usually call everybody and confirm? Seems like she's always called me. But maybe it's just me.

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...Doesn't Michelle usually call everybody and confirm? Seems like she's always called me. But maybe it's just me.


She only calls those who are getting senile. :lurk:

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I can't even begin to imagine how someone could forget this.

The BRR site in MV has a fee if not cancelled a week early.

Perhaps CW will need to do this and charge extra for the time and effort needed to take care of this.

Never been to CW but it sounds like this is a big hit in the wallet.

Memebers of the board should not jeopardize the working relationship of venue sites because a few are inconsiderate.

Like many, I feared for a board member and hope he was safe when Killer posted.

Instead I find out someone wasn't concerned enough to honor their reservation by showing up or notifying the vendor.

When I sign up I think about the event all the time.

If I don't show or cancel, send out the hounds.

Best wishes.

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...Doesn't Michelle usually call everybody and confirm? Seems like she's always called me. But maybe it's just me.


She only calls those who are getting senile. :lurk:



Usually gives me a call..... :eek: Uh, I mean...

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For those of us who have smart phones or an on-line calendar it only takes a moment to set a reminder for a month and a week before the arrival date.


When I didn't have that technology I took the time to mark a calendar.


There is no reason for anyone to forget they made a reservation, if they put some effort into it.


I know my memory is much worse than it ever has been, so I have to make an effort to counter that fact.


Yes, I get riled up when anyone has cost Randy and family money, or denied anyone the pleasure of staying with them.



falling off soap box

love you long time


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I think the CW ended up full, as did the Capitol Reef Inn and the Boulder View. In fact, one of them, I won't name names, turned away a board member with a reservation Saturday Edit: or maybe it was Friday /Edit night.


It was the CW's decision not to call this time, but instead ask on the board that all reservation holders call in to confirm. I would have thought they would have called those that did not respond to that request... but evidently they did not.


I agree, the responsibility is the reservation holder's but if it was that a big a deal to the CW they could have made those calls. We don't know if they charged peeps or not, but their policy certainly allows them to do so, and credit card is required to hold a room.


So far as I know, this was a non-issue, other than some worry about John. All's well. :)

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Generally agree with the sentiments here ... but curious whether every single one of us can swear that we've NEVER EVER had a brain skid and forgotten something important (relatively) in our lives? :dopeslap:


(John, don't know you personally, but glad you're ok and think we're all entitled to a mulligan once in awhile.)



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(John, don't know you personally, but glad you're ok and think we're all entitled to a mulligan once in awhile.)


But only from the 1st and 10th tee box!

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(John, don't know you personally, but glad you're ok and think we're all entitled to a mulligan once in awhile.)


But only from the 1st and 10th tee box!



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