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Sounds that make you cringe.


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A coffee shop is a public place, I enjoy the background noises of milk being steamed, conversations, newspapers rustling and keyboards being tapped upon. What does irk me on this typical drizzly fall day are the five women who have decided to meet for coffee with their 8 kids in tow. The gals are oblivious to the yelling and screeching of their offspring while we other patrons just look at each other with that knowing look of malice.




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Soon the crying will begin. Beverages will be spilled. At least one little one will desperately start holding his crotch because Mommy Dearest isn't paying enough attention to realize that the kid hasn't peed for eight hours.

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Dave McReynolds

Various freeloaders, including a raccoon, several other cats, and at least one bluejay began helping themselves to my cat's food every night. I didn't feel like feeding the whole neighborhood, so I have started bringing my cat's food in at night. So every night now starting at 2:30 AM until I finally get up in the morning, my cat meows at the bedroom sliding glass door. She doesn't stop. She knows I won't get up and feed her, but it doesn't make any difference. I could throw water on the cat and maybe she would stop, but I hate to throw water on my own cat just because she's hungry at night. So I just put up with it. I think I'd rather hear noisy kids at Starbucks.

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Sound that makes me cringe: A loud vacuum cleaner! We had one, some Hoover, for a long time that was so loud it hurts. Recently we replaced it with a Dyson upright. Quiet, easy to maneuver, light weight to carry up the stairs. What a difference!

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I think I'd rather hear noisy kids at Starbucks.


In this neck of the woods Starf*cks is a dirty word, I no likey them. We have a nice family owned place here in town where they know my name and my drink of choice.

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Wade, I've been known to wear my earplugs off the bike ;)


I got up and went to the lake front before the sun came up, just so I could enjoy walking in the morning quiet, before the fooks who take walks talking loudly into their cell phones come out. I'm teaching Nigel to eat obnoxious children and their parents.






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Oh I don't know it could be worse. Picture the same scenario only they're a row behind your middle seat on your upcoming 3 hour flight. :eek: And . . . they're out of peanuts. :dopeslap:

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Oh I don't know it could be worse. Picture the same scenario only they're a row behind your middle seat on your upcoming 3 hour flight. :eek: And . . . they're out of peanuts. :dopeslap:


Earplugs. You can wear 'em, or stuff 'em down the kid's throat.


Oops, did I just type that out loud?



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When I am standing in a store talking with a clerk who says ' Hold on a minute' and then answers the phone. I generally put down what ever I was going to pay for and walk out.

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When I am standing in a store talking with a clerk who says ' Hold on a minute' and then answers the phone. I generally put down what ever I was going to pay for and walk out.


J.C. Penney, Mayaguez, P.R. June, 1993. The clerk turned her back on me to speak in Spanish to her boyfriend. She didn't know I understood what she was saying, that it was not an official call.


I reached past her and hung the phone up, which brought her attention back to where it should have been. She didn't like it but didn't have much to say once I told her Hector would have to wait.



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Danny caddyshack Noonan

Cars skidding to a crash. Well not so much anymore but, it used to always mean investigating and writing a report. Dispatch even got to hear one once while I was asking for a report number for the one I was already at.....they gave me two numbers without even asking.

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Hearing the Neandertals drive by our house with their boom-boxes on full blast. Being at a gas station as some tatooed jerk on his big hog pulls away shaking every building on the block.

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"This is going to save the taxpayers..."


Addendum: "And if elected I promise........................" :rofl:


Addendum addendum:


Said by ANY politician: "We're going to take our country back!!"

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Said by ANY politician: "We're going to take our country back!!"


That's scary! And always spoken by the politician who lost the last election...

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I think I'd rather hear noisy kids at Starbucks.


You mean the ones that think that if they don't get their parents to buy a $4.50 frappe-whatchamajigger that they somehow have lost one of life's entitlement's, like air? BTDTGTTS.




P.S. I remember when a 50 cent big gulp was a treat. *rolls eyes*

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I remember once eating lunch with my workmates at a resturant when I kid started acting up. The mother was trying to reason with the child while everyone else watch the meladrama unfold. After about the tenth or fifteenth "I'm not gonna" form him and an equal number of explainations from her, the husband finally got up and marched the kid out for a spanking. You could tell by the audience reaction who had kids and who didn't. Some of us were on the verge of clapping. Now I guess the disapprovers would be on their cell phones reporting child abuse.




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I remember once eating lunch with my workmates at a resturant when I kid started acting up. The mother was trying to reason with the child while everyone else watch the meladrama unfold. After about the tenth or fifteenth "I'm not gonna" form him and an equal number of explainations from her, the husband finally got up and marched the kid out for a spanking. You could tell by the audience reaction who had kids and who didn't. Some of us were on the verge of clapping. Now I guess the disapprovers would be on their cell phones reporting child abuse.




Kids aren;t dumb. I think it is best when possible to convince hte child to correct his behavior on his own before resorting to negative reenforcement. I don't mena reasoning with them, but at least asking them to correct their behavior first.. but probably only a 23 or 3 times at most, then followed by a clear no or "stop". Unfortunately, whatever strategy this family has been using isn't working. Nothing beast a good spanking when direct verbal discipline isn't working.


Unfortunatly some kids have strong personalities and some have not have provided good discipline patterns or routines.


What I hate to see the most, is parents that jump right into yelling at hte kid or using "no' so much that it becomes meaningless. Kids need a certain amount of freedom ot make good decision on theri own.


with our 17mo old daughter, just telling her to "leave it alone" a couple times works. She'll of course test us 3 or 4 more times, but after that she generally leaves things alone. "NO" is reserved only for dangerous situations. We ahve quate a few shelves draws and rooms that she has feee access too, but she's learned whats off limits. Dangerous items are still out of reach or child proofed. Our daughter might but be an acception and we know she will probably got through plenty of phases wher differnt levels and tpyes of discipline and structure are needed. But I think it really pays to follow reutines, get them involved in hte routine, and use clear and consistent discipline as early as possible.

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While on the subject of kids.


Silence can make a parent cringe. When I hear complete silence, I know my daughter is getting into something she shouldn't.


The one I can't wait for is "my tummy doesn't feel good" ... while driving down the interstate, 30 miles from the next bathroom or exit. Hopefully you packed a couple rolls of paper towls... and aren't in a hurry.

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Has anyone mentioned this cringing sound yet?

This has got to be the ultimate fear sounds for us old tymers who grew up in the cold war. Duck and cover everyone.

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Sounds that make me cringe.


- Any talking head on TV: Blitzer, O'Reilly, Beck, etc.

- Loud pipes.

- My kids after 8pm, my quiet time.

- Starter whine on a dead battery.

- Car wheel scraping on the curb.

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Screeching tires behind me.


She knows I won't get up and feed her, but it doesn't make any difference.


Dave, here's an idea. We have three outdoor cats for rodent control. We have an electronic cat door keyed to the chip implant(same implant for finding lost pets) in the cats neck to allow them come into the garage at night. The door could also be adapted to a rather large cube wooden box with a top door hinged so that you can put the food into the cube. When the cat gets hungry it simply goes inside the cube. Other critters can't get in. You get to sleep all night.

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My offspring are now in their 30s. When they were quite little, I learned the secret to good behavior in public. The trick is to take them outside to the car.......Which is away from the audience they are playing to.......I never had to resort to spanking. I just explained how their acting up was not acceptable. Then they had to endure the truly punishing part......Walking back in, with the audience watching them carefully.


Each of my kids only had to make one restaurant walk of shame. They did need the same treatment with other activities, but there was little repetition. The other important point is to not allow it to continue before you address it. Cold food, eaten in peace, is better than hot food with a kid acting up.


We have a mother that brings her brood into the coffee shop I frequent. She does not deal at all with her kid's misbehavior at all. When she comes in, I walk out. One day, she asked me why I am always leaving when she arrives. I told her I had raised my children, and I felt no obligation to deal with hers. Went right over her head.

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We have three outdoor cats for rodent control. We have an electronic cat door keyed to the chip implant(same implant for finding lost pets) in the cats neck to allow them come into the garage at night. The door could also be adapted to a rather large cube wooden box with a top door hinged so that you can put the food into the cube. When the cat gets hungry it simply goes inside the cube. Other critters can't get in.


That would work just fine until some critter figures out that all he has to do is eat your cat first :(



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Dave McReynolds
Screeching tires behind me.


She knows I won't get up and feed her, but it doesn't make any difference.


Dave, here's an idea. We have three outdoor cats for rodent control. We have an electronic cat door keyed to the chip implant(same implant for finding lost pets) in the cats neck to allow them come into the garage at night. The door could also be adapted to a rather large cube wooden box with a top door hinged so that you can put the food into the cube. When the cat gets hungry it simply goes inside the cube. Other critters can't get in. You get to sleep all night.


Despite some rumblings from the peanut gallery, I think that's a great idea, and I appreciate your mentionting it!

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