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Free Tracking Service for a year! ends 12/31/10


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I wanna be annonymouse. The Ranch in Nevada bills as transmission repair.

Spot and all the Blue tooth ear buds and twitters bode too much of the BORG.

Not that I'm trying to be negative or anything. Actually my phone has a GPS location feature already. Don't all new phones have that too? Mine is an 6 year old device.

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Oh, I'm just sharing. No worries.

The beauty of this device (although I do not have one yet) is that it has coverage when you are out of cell tower range. If you travel on the less traveled, this may be a great addition. Just my opinion.





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After searching for a missing rider up in Montana, I purchased a Spot. The missing rider was always on the cell phone but dropped off of sight where there was no cell coverage. additionally, while sheriff depts argued about whose problem it was, and a month later the cell company still had not supplied records of which towers he contacted, we searched.

My Spot has a 911 button that I can activate with my teeth if I have to and a Help button that notifies my son to call my road service and send them to my location because I'm out of cell coverage. On my ride from Arkansas to the rally in Oregon and back, Karen could follow my location and choice of routes and have weather/road conditions ready for me at our evening call. If you're the kind of person that has secrets from your wife, it has an OFF button.

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