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Bird of prey cam


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Joe Frickin' Friday



The flight through the woods was insane. Reminds me of the speeder bikes from Return of the Jedi (that was before I read the article :dopeslap:). Except with less clearance. And faster. And real.


They should call it a hoon-bird. :grin:

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Fantastic how their tiny organic computers calculate this stuff.


I wonder if having a small brain (1" across, versus ~6" for a human) speeds up the data processing. Afterall, if your brain is sending information back and forth, it takes less time to do so if the brain is physically smaller.


OTOH, I remember reading something years ago about a primatologist who was capturing gibbons or spider monkeys or something, and X-raying them. It seems a surprising percentage of these monkeys showed evidence of previously broken bones, proving that they don't always catch the branch they're aiming for. Likewise, as impressive as the video was, I wonder how often these birds accidentally splatter themselves against a tree trunk or a rock.

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I'm suddenly feeling very clumsy. Wonderful footage.


I was out birding in the woods one day, heard a swoosh and felt a feathery touch brush the back of my neck. As I involuntarily recoiled from this "attack" I saw a blur of a hawk disappear amongst the trees. Fantastic!



I must admit to the tiniest disappointment.

I thought this was going to footage of you being pursued by pheasant.



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Joe Frickin' Friday
I must admit to the tiniest disappointment.

I thought this was going to footage of you being pursued by pheasant.


That would be the "prey of bird" cam.

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I'm suddenly feeling very clumsy. Wonderful footage.


I was out birding in the woods one day, heard a swoosh and felt a feathery touch brush the back of my neck. As I involuntarily recoiled from this "attack" I saw a blur of a hawk disappear amongst the trees. Fantastic!



I must admit to the tiniest disappointment.

I thought this was going to footage of you being pursued by pheasant.



Lesley ,

The Pathfinder is laid up at the moment , following a horrendous crunching noise eminating from the clutch/gearbox area whilst I was riding home from work recently - I'm awaiting Andy s[ Boffin] return from holiday as he is going to check it out for me .




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Dave McReynolds

Likewise, as impressive as the video was, I wonder how often these birds accidentally splatter themselves against a tree trunk or a rock.


For some reason birds don't seem to judge the movement of motorcycles very well, as I'm sure many of you can attest. When I was riding, birds, including one hawk, struck my windscreen on several occasions.

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The Goshawk footage was awesome...


Interesting on the Peregrine when they're talking about the barrel roll and even a slight twist of the head would send the bird out of control.... wonder how long it took the bird to compensate for the camera strapped to it?

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