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Where did I go wrong?


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I bought my 6yr old an expensive video game for Christmas last year and all he wants to do is ride his bike, kick around a soccer ball and throw a frisbee with dad. Whatever will I do? He will never fit in at school.

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Be careful. Next thing you know, he'll be diagnosed with HDTV or worse yet, SDHC. If they tell you he's got CD/DVD, you'll need to put him in a remedial class. Just accept it, and love him for who he is. Cultivate his strengths.....

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Balance it with a refrigerator box for his BD, & all will be well. Or you could be super cool & add a couple of washing machine boxes. That way he could build a fort.


Seriously, ditch the video game before he gets wise.

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Balance it with a refrigerator box for his BD, & all will be well.


Went over a customer's house last week, they had a boy who just graduated from college. In his bedroom was a flat screen TV mounted on the wall, various video games, a 5th of whiskey on his nightstand, and a teddy bear in his unmade bed. These were inside the beltway people, big schools, big money. Sad.

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Balance it with a refrigerator box for his BD, & all will be well. Or you could be super cool & add a couple of washing machine boxes. That way he could build a fort.


Seriously, ditch the video game before he gets wise.


No box forts, I built a tree house instead.


He even helped along with my grand niece.



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Mine are the same way. Jackson turned 9 last Friday and we got him a WII game which he enjoyed. But within an hour of getting it, we were out front throwing the football again. With the weather cooling, we finally get to spend more time outside again here in Phoenix. Well the weather will be cooling soon. Was 107 yesterday still. But when it does.... :)

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Aren't there video games that can emulate all those activities on a screen? Remind him of how much safer that would be. You can even get a video game of your own and play with him online from the next room!



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Couple of things.

First, you obviously bought the wrong game.

Second, the kid isn't any good playing them so he doesn't.

EZ enuf to fix.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Aren't there video games that can emulate all those activities on a screen? Remind him of how much safer that would be. You can even get a video game of your own and play with him online from the next room!


You're talking about "mediated experience", a term that's been around for a while. Until they can duplicate all of the sensory input associated with the real thing (see Brainstorm or The Matrix), mediated experiences will fall pitifully far short of the real thing. :(

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Be careful, the next thing you know he’ll be a teenager with little interest in getting his driver’s license and less in owning a car.


Knowing those two, I don't think that'll be possible.



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Be careful, the next thing you know he’ll be a teenager with little interest in getting his driver’s license and less in owning a car.


Isn't that another thread?????


No chance of that he has been asking about me taking him for a ride on the bike and he loves roller coasters.

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Balance it with a refrigerator box for his BD, & all will be well. Or you could be super cool & add a couple of washing machine boxes. That way he could build a fort.

My formative childhood years. Thanks for the memories.



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John, you have to be very careful at this age. These kinds of problem kids often want to join the cub scouts and stuff.

He has mentioned that but it may conflict with his swimming lessons so I may be safe there.

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John, you have to be very careful at this age. These kinds of problem kids often want to join the cub scouts and stuff.

He has mentioned that but it may conflict with his swimming lessons so I may be safe there.


Yeah, dang paramilitary organizations

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