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Emergency Food kit


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Getting ready to ride to oregon to visit family> Building a small food kit to take incase we get stuck on road{fingers crossed nothing will happen} But i am thinking Bottles of water,beef jerky,mixed nuts and couple of protein bars ....any other ideas ? ty for input

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How stuck are you gonna be? Are we talking about space blanket, fire starting, and survive the snowstorm stuck? If so, get to a good camping store like REI and buy some Pemican bars for max calories, and some water bottles. Next level is a JetBoil and some freeze dried meals, instant coffee and oatmeal.





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The weather this time of year is pretty mild. A couple small bottles of water and whatever snack/finger foods, that don't require refrigeration, that make you happy should fill the bill. I tend to travel with such items anyway, not because I worry about getting stuck, I like to have those things handy for when I get thirsty or hungry and don't want to go looking for a store that may be 1 or 100 miles out of my way. In nearly 40 years of traveling I have never been "stuck" on the road for more than an hour a couple of times. YMMV!

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You know, this site needs an approve/disapprove box like the reply box in the lower right corner. First thing I thought of was SPAM when I saw the title. It would save every one from useless rhetoric like this. And I coulda still been counted as agreeing with a brilliant respondent.

Water and spam. Both last for years in their original packaging. There are bomb shelters with 50 year old water drums ripe for the use. Spam cans from WWII and still viable. How could you do better. Well, then again there are Twinkies. They have the half life on Uranium.

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OK not planning to get stuck and as its on highway 5 there is lots of traffic But its always good to be prepared if you can so was just looking for different ideas on travel foods

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