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George would be pleased...............


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I propose the opposite. You are told what your gross pay is, but are not allowed to receive it until you first write checks for the proper tax amount, to each government agency that normally would get an automatic payment. This way, when citizens get to actually see and experience what taxation actually is, the taking of your money by coercive force, they might better be able to express their feelings to their legislators or elect legislators who are more responsive to those feelings.

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HERE is more grist for the mill. The UK is already a Nanny State and a "surveillance society" with personal freedoms slowly being eroded. This would ALMOST be the final nail in the coffin...... :cry:


The fact that a government department WOULD EVEN THINK to PUBLICLY introduce such a scheme merely demonstrates the amount of intellectual and governmental arrogance involved!!!




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What other countries implement this type of taxation control.

The answer to this question may be a telling sign of the direction the UK is headed, slowly, subtly, eventually.

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I love it when American people go gaga over foreign politics. As if our country isn't doing a proper hose job on us.

Be glad they are testing it over there and your elected officials aren't figuring a way to make themselves and associates more wealthy.

How big would your taxes be if we weren't making Jihad in the middle east? If we weren't rebuilding what we blew up last week in the name of freedom?

Why, you wouldn't need to worry about what the Government gave you after they perused your pay check before deciding what you should get out of it.

Asking questions like that, you would deserve a lot less than you get for spending company time surfing the internet making noises on these forums.

The shame of it all.

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I love it when American people go gaga over foreign politics. As if our country isn't doing a proper hose job on us.


Therein lies the problem, it seems the government here wants to be like the government there, we're just a generation or so behind them...

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stop working..... a quick step back into a cash only /barter society


as my dad use to say, try reaching into a naked mans pocket.. ain't no money there,


I wouldn't reach into a naked man's pocket but to each their own.

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I love it when American people go gaga over foreign politics. As if our country isn't doing a proper hose job on us.


Therein lies the problem, it seems the government here wants to be like the government there, we're just a generation or so behind them...


You must have very short lives over there :grin:


With tax & customs offices (who collect the Value Added Tax)now combined it is soon going to be very difficult for any monetary transaction to take place unless it is cash all the way through.


The paper you guys over there seem to be getting all steamed up about is a response to the public outcry that followed millions of citizens getting unexpected demands for unpaid tax (average demand £2000). The problem is that the system just cannot cope with changes of employment, multiple sources of income or in particular multiple pensions. I have to keep a close eye on what tax I know is due and ring the taxman to tell him to tell my income providers what they should be collecting if I am to avoid one of these unexpected demands at tax return time... and not everyone knows the tax system as well as I do. The real driver for the taxman is to get his hands on the tax sooner than later.


Of course the system is all-seeing, it would be naive to think otherwise. I am afraid you are not a generation behind, my experience is that Uncle Sam is a lot better at this sort of thing than we are so in reality you are probably ahead of us - they just ain't told you yet :rofl:

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I love it when American people go gaga over foreign politics. As if our country isn't doing a proper hose job on us.


Therein lies the problem, it seems the government here wants to be like the government there, we're just a generation or so behind them...


Of course the system is all-seeing, it would be naive to think otherwise. I am afraid you are not a generation behind, my experience is that Uncle Sam is a lot better at this sort of thing than we are so in reality you are probably ahead of us - they just ain't told you yet :rofl:


One good mood, right in the crapper :rofl:

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Eye-popping, but inevitable. While you're walking around today, ask ten people at random how much they paid last year in federal income tax. Then ask them how much they and their employers paid in social security and medicare "contributions." I'll bet you won't find a single one who can answer accurately.


The average Joe has no idea and really doesn't care.

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