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Why is our federal government hiding BP spill effects?

John Ranalletta

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It is thought by some that the oil has not dispersed... but simply "lowered" below the surface.


Well, the fact is... there are alien (Spacemen, you know, like Martians or Venusians from another planet, not an immigration comment) aircraft under the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. They (the aliens) are what has been behind all the strange going ons in the Bermuda Triangle for years!


For years the aliens have been siphoning off small amounts of petroleum from rigs all throughout the gulf region, but their needs, like ours, have increased. These spacemen have been working with a secret sub-group within the Obama administration. The spacemen have threatened "no-good" to us humans if their lust for oil is not quenched.


This spill, and the "Clean-up", have been carefully orchestrated. The dispersment was never intended to eliminate the oil, but to lower it sub-surface for collection by the submersed aliens.



Dave, I took out your comment. I know you were trying to inject some levity, but this was just too close to the line. To quote the legendary administrator, Fernando Belair:


"Discussions about things that are political, are allowed. Political comments are not."


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Oh, I do hope that's, "tongue in cheek".


ADMIN EDIT: I've removed the quote, and that's the way I'm taking it. While tongue in cheek, it's outtahere.

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hi John

There will probably be an infinite number of answers from all points of view. The question you asked is the closest thing to the truth we have so far. I suppose there might be an enormous amount of pressure from the governor to save what is left of the fishing economy in the gulf, even if it means hiding information that could be dangerous to consumers etc, down the road. But overall this issue is to big to hide for much longer. A couple of reports in some major newspapers or networks will crack this one wide open.

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It may be that they are trying to prevent people coming in and collect material to substantiate law suits.

Bingo! :thumbsup:


Dick the butcher: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

[align=right]Henry The Sixth, Part 2 Act 4, scene 2, 71–78[/align]

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Dave, I took out your comment. I know you were trying to inject some levity, but this was just too close to the line. To quote the legendary administrator, Fernando Belair:


"Discussions about things that are political, are allowed. Political comments are not."


Thanks! As you and I spoke, it was all meant as a ruse... a funny... a laugh. But none the less, it could have been mis-understood by some.


I defer to your wisdom. I appreciate what the mod's here do.


Affably... :wave:

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