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Poor Advice or ?

Gary in Aus

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sitting down the surf club this morning after morning swim and enjoying a warming cup of tea with some friends and the discussion turned to Rossi comments about Stoner.


The discussion swung from mind games by Rossi {most thought Rossi too classy to operate at this low a level],to team advice {once again most think Burgess to classy for this}to Rossi realisation that his time might be coming to an end{again most thought this would not be the reason as Rossi still has more talent to lose than most will ever obtain}.


Disappointed in Rossi as I always expected him to be that little bit better than the others.


Also disappointed that Stoner would respond, he still needs to mature to be above this, to me his team advice should have been to not even respond.


Doohan was a master at mind games and nearly always met this type of "trash talk" {americanism} with the disdain it deserved.


I hope Rossi does really well on the Ducati and has many more successes , I would just hate to see him turn into a poor winner /loser by denigrating others .To me Rossi has always been a champion because of how he has done things and this episode is not worthy of him


Stoner didn't finish as high as he would have liked last year due to missing part of the season with glandular fever and Rossi won't finish as high as he would have liked this season due to a broken leg.


Either one or both of these people need to get over it and move on , I don't think either of them will be 2010 winner , squabbling over lower positions seems childish and churlish.


I enjoy watching the class of Lorenzo but am becoming a bit over the theatrics at race end , a couple were entertaining but there is a fine line between "smart as" and "smart ass"

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It would be better if they left all their talking to the bikes on the track.

You're right in saying that both of these riders truly have much more class than displayed in their recent dialogues.

If we're wrong, then their team management should give them instruction on how they are expected to behave.

The elite class should equal elite behaviour.

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