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REMINDER: Florida Coast2Coast Ride V 2010


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Well folks - time still marches on - it is now only just 'Five Weeks' away!!!


This year's route is set - it is a very fun, scenic, 'bout 220 mile ride.

The route will amaze Florida natives & visitors!


If you have not already done so - now is the time to get pre-registered for one of the best rides in the Sunshine State & get yourself on the 'Rider List'!


Pre-regisration will end at the end of the day of Oct. 10th.


Also - PLEASE make your lodging arrangements NOW - next week, the host hotels blocked rooms expire - after that, it will be 'on a space-available basis' and discount room rates cannot be guaranteed.


Florida Coast2Coast Ride V



You can now purchase 'Florida Coast2Coast Ride V' t-shirt online - click on logo on the upper left corner of the ride webpage.


Again - comments 'bout past Florida Coast2Coast Ride's:


2004 FLC2C:



2008 FLC2C:



Come enjoy the ride!!!


Get out & explore Florida!!!



Cruzn'AL/Valrico, FL

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It is now just 'One Month' away!!!


Are you pre-registered for the ride???


Will you be there???


Have you made your lodging arrangements???


Florida Coast2Coast Ride V



Come enjoy the ride!!!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Time marches on - it is now just under 'Three Weeks' away!!!


Pre-registration for the ride will end at the end of the day, on Sunday, Oct. 10th.

There will be 'on-site day-of-ride registration' available.


Are you pre-registered for the ride???

Now is the time to get registered for what is considered one of the best rides in the Sunshine State!!!


Florida Coast2Coast Ride V



Come enjoy the ride!!!





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Last Call!!!


Florida Coast2Coast Ride V is now just only 'Fifteen Days' away!!!


Get registered for the ride now - pre-registration for the ride ends this Sunday, Oct. 10th.


Come enjoy an all day ride across Florida on scenic byways & back roads!


Florida Coast2Coast Ride V



Come enjoy the ride!!!




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The ride is now just only 'One Week' away!!!


If you still like to attend - 'on-site day-of-ride registration' will be available.


Make plans to attend & come enjoy the ride!!!


Florida Coast2Coast Ride V





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