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Cruise Control?


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A few days ago, while descending a mountain pass in 6th gear with the cruise control on, the engine started to race and got up to about 7500rpm in a matter of seconds. It then seemed to automatically downshift to 5th gear.


As soon as I got it to normal operating speed and revs, all was fine and it hasn't done it again since.


Could it be related to the cruise control?


Has this ever happened to anyone else, and if it has, does anyone know what causes it to happen?


Thanks for any info on this.

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Sounds like your toe hit the shifter and it went into neutral between gears and then into 5th gear. There is no way the transmission is gonna do this by itself.

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Sounds like your toe hit the shifter and it went into neutral between gears and then into 5th gear. There is no way the transmission is gonna do this by itself.


Another possibility is you had not quite fully engaged 6th and it dropped back to 5th. I've done this a couple of times on both my ST & RT. You do need to hold pressure on the lever to make sure the gear is fully engaged. The BMW box does like to have a positive shift.


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"Another possibility is you had not quite fully engaged 6th and it dropped back to 5th. I've done this a couple of times on both my ST & RT. You do need to hold pressure on the lever to make sure the gear is fully engaged. The BMW box does like to have a positive shift."


That would be my guess also............

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Hi basilr


I have to agree with Don on this, you would have had to be in neutral during that engine RPM flair before jumping down into 5th. If it simply slipped out of 6th into 5th the cruise control would have still held engine speed to road speed. 7500 RPM in 5th is well over 100 mph.


It’s possible you knocked it out of 6th into a false neutral, especially if it doesn’t happen again.


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