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LCD longevity


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What is likely to happen to our displays as these bikes age? In one of the recent motorcycle publications someone wrote in with a question about the LCD characters becoming illegible on his middle-aged BMW. The technical guru responded that sunlight had permanently damaged his display and the only repair option was to replace the whole component.


This has had me wondering about the permanence of these displays, and what, if anything can be done to preserve them. Are the recent LCDs more durable than when the technology was first introduced? There have been several posts about the RT display losing contrast when exposed to bright sunlight, but it seems to return to normal again in the shade and my assumption has been that no permanent harm is done, but now I'm not so sure. I am now making more of an effort to keep it shaded, at least when the bike is parked in direct sun.


Maybe the die-hards who ride these bikes half a million miles or more will be unable to prove it because the odometer reading will no longer be legible by then. What a letdown that would be after all that effort!



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OK, slow down! - this cacophony of responses to my inquiry has got my head spinning :eek:.


I guess it was either a dumb question or I am the only one who cares. Has no one else thought about whether your great great grandchildren are going to be able to see how miles are on that cool vintage BMW motorcycle that has been in the family since the 2000s?



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LCDs have been in use on bikes for at least two decades to my knowledge, and I've seen plenty of older bikes with the LCDs still working well. I don't think issue this is of any major concern.



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