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Secret BBQ Society


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Last year we met in Putney, VT for BBQ and and some country road riding. Here's a quote from last year's planning..


It's getting hungry out! :grin:


Meet the legend Curtis Tuff. Great interview! :thumbsup:


Looks like some members of the Society are ready to try again on Saturday 10/16. How about gathering at Curtis' BBQ at 11:30 a.m.?




Maybe we can talk Tewks into leading us on a ride after lunch - or just head out to wherever your heart takes you. Lots of fun roads in the area. :thumbsup:



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Looks tasty, wish I was closer!

Bet you could talk your way into a business meeting up in Quincy! ;)



When does he close for the season?

Stephen, hopfully after the sixteenth. :grin::dopeslap: I'll call tomorrow.








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Georgi wants to know who will be picking her up :grin:. Also she does expect to see triple digits on the speedo at least once during the ride. :thumbsup:


This whole things gains some speed and I don't see any issues with either of those requests :D:wave:


RevRay will be going pretty close by....

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Also she does expect to see triple digits on the speedo at least once during the ride. :thumbsup:

RevRay will be going pretty close by....


Ray, ha-ha... :D


Also she does expect to be under triple digit speeds at least once during the ride.

Fixed! :thumbsup:



Sorry you can't make it Mike. Cold & flu season is just around the corner ya know. Cough! ;)





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As long as somebody is there to tell Ray his right from his left I guess it OK if Georgi rides with him. :rofl::rofl:


I really would like to be initiated into the Secret BBQ Sociey, so I will try to wangle the day off!

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I really would like to be initiated into the Secret BBQ Sociey, so I will try to wangle the day off!


If you pull it off we'll have the initiation procedures ready! Good luck! :thumbsup:

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One wrong turn and your known has geographically challanged. "Triple digets" hardly maybe a little spirited come on I ride a BMW?

Mike if your having trouble getting off work just post your bosses phone number and name. :rofl: I will try to persuade him/her would love to see you and Georgi.


Stephen aka rocks if we get pulled over again we'll just employ the Jedi mind control and ride away smiling for days.

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Last year we met in Putney, VT for BBQ and and some country road riding. Here's a quote from last year's planning..


It's getting hungry out! :grin:


Meet the legend Curtis Tuff. Great interview! :thumbsup:


Looks like some members of the Society are ready to try again on Saturday 10/16. How about gathering at Curtis' BBQ at 11:30 a.m.?




Maybe we can talk Tewks into leading us on a ride after lunch - or just head out to wherever your heart takes you. Lots of fun roads in the area. :thumbsup:



They have their own birch beer??? Whaaaaaa! We can't get birch beer in Ohio. Any time Mom goes back home to CT I have her bring back a bottle or two.

Hmmmm, it's only a 14 hr ride.......

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How about a bit of mountain climbing or moto hiking (as I like to call it) after BBQ?

Greylock, Equinox or Kearsarge are all within reach from Putney. Or And we could just go back to Eric's house for a beer.


Fixed it!

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This still scheduled for the 16th or is that a secret too

Still on for the 16th unless we have a major rain event.



]So how many people do we have?

See now, that's the secret part. :grin:




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If anyone is interested, I have some GPS routes that I could send by Email. (I think) One is from Putney to Greylock & then back to Antrim NH. (Eric's town) One is to Mt Equinox & then back to Erics place. (See a pattern developing) :grin: The last one is to Chester VT where Curtis-is-is :P daughter has a BBQ place, just as a backup in case Curtis fuels up one of the blue buses & heads South before the 16th.


Anyone know the steps to the good weather dance? :D


PM me your Email & i'll try to send them.




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The last time I downloaded your suggested routes, I fried my GPS.


Pat you choose side trip. Any triple D's in route?


Eight days and counting.



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The last time I downloaded your suggested routes, I fried my GPS.


Whimpy GPS, ;) guess it couldn't handle the eight thousand miles of twists & turns. Or did it flatline in Kansas? :D




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I'll be up there. The only reason I might miss it is to be back home for an early delivery of a 1200GS that I am expecting before the 21st. Heading up to the Springfield area this weekend.

I always look forward to meeting new people and making new friends. AND good bbq doesn't hurt a thing!

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NOAA is forecasting: Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 56. :clap:


Check back for updates as we get closer and get the heated gear out of the closet. :grin:



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"Heated gear" What's that?

I was thinkin' follow an 18 wheeler with a load of pigs to keep warm. You know,stay in the warm draft. [/quot


Hey you can follow the rig to Curtiss's, Ill be braking out the gerbings.



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You might want to cross your fingers the other way.

So far, it aint workn. :thumbsup:


I see that. :(


If it's raining on Saturday morning it's gonna be tough to get motivated. Anyone else feel the same way?




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I just stumbled across this thread and had no idea there were so many other BMW riders in these parts:)


I was interested in turning out to meet you good folks on Saturday.


Right now, Accuweather seems to be the most optimistic. They currently show the rain as ending by dawn on Saturday in the Putney area.


I don't mind riding up in a little rain so long as I can enjoy my outdoor BBQ in the dry.

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seventy per cent chance of clear skies in Putney. I'm liking those odds. Don't know about Tewksbury? Rain gear say I. Your gonna like the Mamajuana :grin: typing on blackberry in doctors office. Think positively my red sox cheering friend.

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I've had enough of riding in the rain for awhile having endured two very long, very wet days to and from BRR.

However, I'm liking our chances for Sat. and the seating is covered anyhow.

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There aren't really Yankee fans in the Secret BBQ Society are there?


I think Ray has a soft spot for the Sox, heck he carried this good luck bracelet all over the Rocky Mountains! :grin:



70% chance of sun, i'll take it! :thumbsup:





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"30% chance of showers" sounds 70% OK. :dopeslap:


I'd be willing to bet a Curtis birch beer that by the time Saturday riding time rolls around that 30% will be gone....



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I was interested in turning out to meet you good folks on Saturday.

Sounds great! Just so you know, the newest Secret BBQ Society member picks up the tab. :grin:



Just kidding. Hope to see you Saturday.

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I was interested in turning out to meet you good folks on Saturday.

Sounds great! Just so you know, the newest Secret BBQ Society member picks up the tab. :grin:



Just kidding. Hope to see you Saturday.



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