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Kon Tour Seats


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Guess that space I used between Kon and Tour did not do much for my initial search. DOH!

More confused after reading. Some picks some pans. Owner attitude making me think of other options as I frankly don't have time for the drama. If I'm going to spend that type of cash, I don't want to have to fight some pin head if its not right out of the gate.

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spend your money on a Russell and be done with it. Wish I had done that before going round with Kontour.


Maybe now Russell has access to the same covering material that lets the seat breathe.



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Maybe now Russell has access to the same covering material that lets the seat breathe.

Surely Kontour can't have a patent on that fabric, and you would think that other custom seat makers would pick up on it. But as of today, neither Bill Mayer nor Russell's web site mention it.

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Normally I'd agree but I have one complicating factor not mentioned above.

New bike is a GSA and I'm on tip toes already. Afraid the Russell would put me over the edge.

Anyone know it this could be worked around?

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