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speedbump optical illusion


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Totally agree with the last paragraph of the link.


I'd hate to see "reverse" conditioning happen here...


Nah, that kid's just an illusion...BAM!...Oh sh*t.



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Totally agree with the last paragraph of the link.


I'd hate to see "reverse" conditioning happen here...


Nah, that kid's just an illusion...BAM!...Oh sh*t.




Yup. A colossally stupid idea.


Gee...let's teach people that kids in the street are optical illusions. It'll be great!

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Yeah me too.


Even before I got to the paragraph it was going through my mind, "You have to wonder if the designers of the "speed bump of the future" considered that drivers might become conditioned to disregard Pavement Patty and her imaginary cohorts, creating something similar to a "boy who cried wolf" effect. Couldn't such conditioning reduce drivers' caution if a real child should cross their path?"


I guess thought the fact that this is fixed in place where as a real child would (in all likelyhood) have forward motion might make the distinction. But still...

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...Yup. A colossally stupid idea...


Yeah, that's kindof where I was at. It seems certain to have the opposite effect. At least after you've gone by there a few times....


Perhaps an optical illusion of an actual speed bump would work better. Kindof like those cattle guards that are merely painted on.



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Yeah, I can see, 'How fast can you hit the kid?' games popping up amongst teenage drivers in no time. Sort of a like a real live video game, but on the streets.

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Nice n Easy Rider
Wonder how well it would work if they had painted a lawyer walking by ? :/


Wouldn't that be a speed up bump?


Will you guys stop trying to win points with Sharon (Bullet)? :grin:

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I stopped in time! Hell, I thought the kid had already been ran over, if nothing else I thought I might get a free pink ball or bee hive (whatever that thing was) for my trouble.

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