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Los Angeles to Glacier National Park to Yellowstone to Flagstaff to LAX


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Departing Los Angeles around Sept 15, got about 12 days free to travel and thought I would head out of LA via 395 north towards Spokane, WA. then over to Glacier NP, south to Bozeman/Yellowstone area then south towards Torrey, then if time permits over to Lake Powell/Flagstaff then hwy 40 back to LA.

Bike is tuned, new rubber and ready to hit the back roads. Looking for roads to ride, places to camp/lodging/eat and any thing else of interest.

Trying to do this on the CHEAP so any advise is appreciated.

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Can't help much on the PNW stuff.


When it is time to come East you don't wanna miss [12] across Idaho(Lolo Pass).


We stayed here. A few years ago and really enjoyed it.


And you prolly want to enter Yellowstone on the Chief.


..more later.








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Are you planning on visiting Sedona?


Next time I'm in AZ, or close to it I will do the Coronado Trail, I think it's hwy 191. 400 curves in 100 miles. Was there in March but it was closed for snow:(

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This shows a route through Hells Canyon and over to Lolo. We stayed very inexpensively in Orofino, Id at a motorcycle frendly place up the river...


Hells Canyon to Lolo


Konkolville Motel - Orofino


This little section on back (west) side of the parks is a great ride with some views. I show it going to Swan Valley, but you can also run over into Jackson. Jackson ain't cheap, however. Your best bet for moderate accommodations in the greater Yellowstone are is most likely in Bozeman. Everything near the parks is fairly pricey. We prefer Jackson and Red Lodge though. Jackson is priciest. W. Yellowstone has a lot of sub-standard stuff at premium price. Sometimes, if you can get a room in the park, that can be your best deal.


Bozeman to Swan Valley


My three favorite spots in the parks are Mammoth Hot Springs, West Thumb Geyser Basin, and Jenny Lake. At Old Faithful I recommend going up on the veranda of the Old Faithful Inn (not lodge) with a cup of coffee or cocoa to watch the geyser.


You need to be prepared for chilly weather. Frosts at night, cold mornings. 60-70 F for the highs in this area.


Over here, on the east side of the parks, you have The Beartooth and The Chief Joseph. These are must ride, weather permitting. The Beartooth in particular is high altitude stuff.


Beartooth and Chief Joseph


There are many ways to get from the Yellowstone area to Torrey. Maybe this, or this. Both excellent routes.



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This shows a route through Hells Canyon and over to Lolo. We stayed very inexpensively in Orofino, Id at a motorcycle frendly place up the river...


The A to B section of that route is closed. Last winter's big rains washed out Forest Road 39 on the southern section. Won't be open until at least November; not paved until next Spring.


Go through Oregon this way. Lakeview to Burns is kind of tedious, but interesting. Burns to Ukiah is fantastic. Ukiah to La Grande is beautiful. La Grande to Enterprise is good. Enterprise to Missoula is unforgettable.


If you're overnighting in Enterprise, be sure to go to the Terminal Gravity Brew Pub. Great beer (if you're into that sort of thing) and good food. Whatever time of day you're there, make the two mile trip south to Joseph. Beautuful little town in a spectacular setting. Then go a couple miles further south to Wallowa Lake. Georgeous!


All that being said, you're really pushing the weather envelope through Glacier and Yellowstone this time of year. Be prepared for anything. Good luck!

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Done that ride.


A couple quick tips;

Take electric gear, the mornings are very cool in late September up near the border.


Pay close attention to the weather, snow storms can hit high up in Sierras and Rockies any time of year but the odds increase as its heads into fall.


Watch your speed, up in that part of the country the wildlife is abundant, and the critters ain’t small.


I really liked Glacier, especially the eastern side. I stayed on the eastern side and hiked up to the Grinnell Glacier, great experience. The run up the eastern side into Canada is beautiful. As a matter a fact, it is all beautiful, you really can’t go wrong.


I saved my pennies and sprung for a couple of days in the Many Glacier Hotel, a basement room. :grin:



I then hiked the 14 mile round trip to the Grinnell Glacier, a wonderful experience. Here is a shot looking back down the valley you hike up :clap:…Not my pic.



Have a great trip

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In Bishop I stay at the Super 8 ($60) and often eat at BBQ Bill's on S. Main. Farther north on 395 I recommend staying at the Wagon Wheel Motel (very clean and surprisingly cheap - $40), in Alturas.


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