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Last ride in France......


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...... for this Summer at least.


This was the day before yesterday and Nina and I decided to head north and do a not-so-long-ride. Garmin said 185 km, little over 100 miles. Just great for an afternoon of sightseeing and discovering 'new' roads.


This summer I used the Garmin and map to pick out some 'white' roads and see where they lead us.

Worked pretty well with some real surprises in both the technical area and the 'views area'.


This ride took us north to Lake Annecy, but going up into the mountains to the Col de la Forclaz



Here you see the road we rode up, not too wide but very scenic !





The little car down there we just passed a few minutes earlier in a narrow canyon. They were Dutch people and the lady driving was clenching the wheel and inching around the bends.


Here she is negotiating oncoming traffic while we stopped at a wider part of the road to take a few pictures.




These cliffs are really high and towering above us - and above the little village seen here - and the photos don't really do them justice.










Another stop, to take pictures, but also to relieve Nina's back. She had trouble on our Chartreuse tour with me (as usual) continuing too long in one stretch.

So we took more stops this time and things went much better!




And apparently me must go 'that way'!




Always nice and surprising... coming around a bend the road widened and there was the lake again... much lower than on our other tours for a change




Don't you hate that too? You whizz by and see a great shot... but you can't stop in time.. or have no place to park?


So I turned around and rode back to park the bike at a spot I saw that would suit me.

'Now what !?' exclaimed Nina on the back.


But the extra effort was worth it with views like these. That's Duingt castle down there !








So yes, we went through that tunnel three times to get the photos... :grin:




This is way down, on our way to Thônes, a nice place further east towards Chamonix.






We stopped near a monument commemorating the local soldiers fallen in WW2.....









Then we rode through Thône and Clusaz, and up to the Col de Aravis








Up on the slopes towards the Col d'Aravis, some balance-challenged types passed us












And then... when you get over the crest near the pass' summit.... and are lucky with the weather... you see the Mont Blanc again, towering over the Alps for miles and miles around






Oh, and if you are in need of cow hides? THIS is the place !




Very popular with bicyclists, especially on this good weather Sunday in September!

THIS side of the pass was VERY busy... the other side, which is a LOT steeper and with many hairpins, was very quiet.








Because it was getting later AND because there are a lot less 'stopping opportunities', we didn't get any pictures of the 'steep side'. Next time. promised.


So here's the last one, of the church in Flumet on the other side of the pass and in the narrow Arly valley. From here we rode home in one - pretty fast - rush..... making Nina ask me over the intercom if I knew we're approaching 60 (not miles). :rofl:






End of riding... we're heading home tomorrow...... US, here we come !






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The Haute Savoie is a biking mecca I first visited there 24 years ago . Annecy is a beautiful town. Spent a fortnight in the area staying in a little hamlet called Chatillon near Cruseilles. Must get back down there

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Francois, I just want to tell you that I hate you . . . access to all those fantastic roads and beautiful sights . . . I mean, I really despise you. :grin:


Okay, seriously, thanks for sharing. I haven't made it happen yet, but one of my fantasies is to one day have a lot of time on my hands, to tour Europe on two wheels. If I can't do it, I can at least experience it vicariously through you and others here.

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Nice trip, Francois! So, uhm..., the next trip report will have Dutch photos again!? ;)




Hi Leon,


no, most likely a US report next time ;)

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Francois, I just want to tell you that I hate you . . . access to all those fantastic roads and beautiful sights . . . I mean, I really despise you. :grin:


Okay, seriously, thanks for sharing. I haven't made it happen yet, but one of my fantasies is to one day have a lot of time on my hands, to tour Europe on two wheels. If I can't do it, I can at least experience it vicariously through you and others here.


:grin: I can't blame you. But could say the same about some of the fantastic places I see in the US tales and reports :-)


Dreams and curiosity is what makes us tour..... whenever your dream comes true, just give us a call ! :)

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