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Work from Home - Internet based


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My SO "finished" one of her part time jobs and, while she still has another, we are finding it hard to bring enough bacon home.


Who out there works from home? What do you do? Where do you go to find it? etc


PM or email if you don't want an open discussion.


Cheers and TIA,

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Haven't had an official 'office space' other than my home since 1995. Fully self employed since 2005. I'm a software publisher, photographer and web designer/host, among other things.


Would not be able to support the traffic jams and lost time on traveling anymore!

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I've been working from home for more than 25 years now, doing embedded software development. It has been with only two clients, both half a world away, and both of which I had worked for previously. That's probably not of much help to anyone considering starting to work from home, except to say that if you treat your clients well they may keep coming back to you for more.

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To get started, I would query sites like Dice.com, Moster.com, and Craigslist (among others) that enable a "work from home" condition in their job searches. There are some alternate Craigslist sites that enable you to search entire regions (as opposed to a single city, state, or country) in one query.


Depending upon the kind of work your wife is willing to do, there may be job search engines that cater to her industry.

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Without knowing your SO's skill set, it is hard to advise. I've been working out of my house for over 10 years - will never go back to the commute, office politics, etc., etc.


One thought, again without knowing her skill set, is a bookkeeping business. I pay a person to keep my Quickbooks up to date. I collect invoices and drop them off for her twice a month, she enters the info into Quickbooks cuts the checks and delivers them back to me for signing and mailing, along with an updated Quickbooks file. She has several clients - most small business do not have an in-house bookkeeper. Does not seem like rocket science to me - one just needs to be organized and not afraid of numbers.

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I've worked virtually for over 20 years and am a managing partner for a company headquartered in Denver. I live in western North Carolina. With the technology explosion and the fact that the real estate burden for a company can be financially difficult, we've shed 10 offices and will no longer have any offices but at the headquarters. We're all connected to our own servers and phone system so we are an entirely office free company.

I will PM you with some ideas.


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Jerry Johnston

I started a computer business in my home in 1984 and retired in 2005. You'd better have good work ethics if you plan to work at home. I always made sure I was at least working 8 till 5 without hitting the refrig or napping. You'll find you put in many more hours than if you worked for someone else. I'd try to have an outside entrance - not everyone wipes their feet before tramping across your carpeted house. Also vacations are shorter.

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Vacations? Yes, maybe. or you could put it the other way..... your entire life is a vacation and you get paid to have it :-)

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As you've no doubt noted, obtaining a reasonable income from home Internet work requires a skill set applicable to the medium being used. Lots of folks think you can create postage addresses for a $1,000.00 a week. The only people making money at that are the people telling you how (supposedly) to do it.


For several years I did consulting work from my home by computer. I did it for a company that had been in business for decades. They paid me a good rate ($60.00+ an hour) to do the work. However, I bought 30+ years of experience in what they wanted...specialized insurance underwriting.


If you're looking to work from home, first obtain a skill that's in demand...simply having a computer and the time isn't going to cut it.

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I've been working from home for more than 25 years now, doing embedded software development. It has been with only two clients, both half a world away, and both of which I had worked for previously. That's probably not of much help to anyone considering starting to work from home, except to say that if you treat your clients well they may keep coming back to you for more.



If I only had a brain!!! I would do something like this!!!

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